First semester has come and gone, and it feels like all the optimism from the beginning of the year is gone too. You've joined clubs, made friends, gone out, had midterms and finals, and gone what? It's a weird situation where it feels like the year should be over and yet there's still 5 months before summer. So what do you do when you're stuck in the second semester rut?
Well for starters-- take this time to really evaluate your priorities. You had the first semester to try everything and figure out what organizations you liked and wanted to put time into--and it's ok if your priorities have changed. Maybe you feel like your plate is too full, not full enough, or you're just not enjoying yourself and want to try new things. Whatever the case, IT'S OK. Allow yourself to use the new semester as a time to make sure you're doing what you want to be doing and change it if your not.
Plan ahead. Whether it be looking at summer internships or trips, or even looking as far ahead as next year's living accomadations and credits, if you start now you'll be avoiding stress later. Make a map of what credits you need, meet with an advisor, take the steps in advance to figure out a concrete plan for the rest of your year.
Get to know your new professors. At the beginning of the year, it's easy to make an effort to meet with your professors since you're still running on start of the year adreniline. Once you're at the halfway point though, it can be easy to give up and just try to slide home. Take the time to get to know your professors while it's early enough to make a good impression.
Take time for yourself. First semester can be a crazy ride, and it's easy to feel burnt out even right after you return from break. That's honestly why the second semester rut is so real--you're expected to come back rested and ready to go in the middle of the winter without a long enough break to completely recharge. Take the time to take stock with yourself, and the transition to a new semester will feel a lot smoother.