There are very few people I know who want to live in the town they grew up in. To those people, I applaud you. Because unfortunately, there is nothing I want more than to leave.
That isn't to say the town I grew up in isn't awesome. I have made many memories and close friends with an abundance of people here. But I know in my heart that Colleyville, Texas is not where I am meant to stay.
Recently I had a conversation with my mother about post-undergrad, and where I would end up. I had said something about leaving Texas, and she questioned my decision "why?" And my only response was "why not?"
There are millions of opportunities outside of my comfort zone. And the only way I am possibly going to get to them is by stepping out of it. Every day I think of a place I could see myself living. Chicago, Seattle, Boston, or New York.
Even recently I have been thinking, "who says I have to stay in the COUNTRY?" Although, I think my mother would have a heart attack if I decided Europe was my new home.
If your heart belongs in your hometown, good! As long as you are living life where your heart was meant to, that's all I care about. But for me, I know that my heart doesn't belong in North Texas. And until I know where I am supposed to be, I am looking forward to traveling and figuring it out.