Everybody wants their five seconds of fame. If you’ve ever been to a University of Kentucky sporting event, particularly men’s basketball, you have probably willed the camera to turn your way and for your face to appear on the Jumbotron.
I, too, have this dream and, lucky for me, I have appeared on the Jumbotron multiple times this year. As a result, I have devised a list of the top 10 ways to get on the Jumbotron at a UK sporting event, so you can get your five seconds of fame.
1. Make a sign
Take an extra 30 minutes before the game and make a creative sign! In my experience, this will almost always get you on the big screen.
2. Dress up in a ridiculous costume
I always love looking at a sea of blue and seeing that one guy wearing a costume that either makes no sense at all or is over-the-top for the Cats. It’ll draw the eye of everyone, including the camera.
3. Paint up
If you don’t have a fun costume, paint up! Paint your whole face, your hair, your body, whatever it takes to get on camera.
4. Dance your heart out
Pull out your worst moves and every time the music comes on, get up and dance. The worse the dancer, the better the chance of getting on the big screen.
5. Do something stupid
Try to distract the free throw shooter by hypnotizing him, make up weird cheers, or get overly hyped for each point. The options are endless!
6. Bring a cute kid
Dress the child up in blue and white and get them to dance. They might even win something like a free basketball for simply being young and cute.
7. Sit next to dancing old people
They’re going to get on the screen, so make sure you sneak your face in there as well.
8. Propose
If you know she’ll say yes and she loves UK, go for it! If you’re desperate for fame and single, maybe recruit a friend for a fake proposal.
9. Stand in the eRUPPtion Zone
This is probably the easiest way for a UK student. You get free stuff, you get super hype, and you will most likely get on the screen!
10. Be on the team
Obviously, the team members, coaches, mascots, cheerleaders, and dance team will get a good amount of screen time because they are the stars of the show. Too bad, this is not an option for most of us.
Even if you don't go to the University of Kentucky, you can use this at your school! Now go get your 5 seconds of fame and brag about it to everyone you know!