I have always struggled to find ways to stay motivated to workout. This semester I tried a few new things and I have been off to a great start. Hopefully with these 9 tips you can start working towards your dream body!
1. Write your workout schedule into your planner or calendar
I have always struggled to find the time in my schedule to workout, but if you make working out a part of your schedule you won't need to find the time because it is already scheduled in every day. Also, by doing this you will feel better about yourself because you will spend less time on social media and being lazy.
2. Take pictures every day
If you start taking pictures of your body or your cute workout clothes you will motivate yourself because you will be excited to start seeing a difference in your pictures!
3. Challenge yourself
Challenge yourself to workout every day of the week or to walk somewhere you could get to in a short drive. Challenge yourself to make healthier choices and stop eating when you are satisfied!
4. Take the stairs
This one may be hard depending on what floor you live in but I live on the 6th floor of my building and I challenge myself to take the stairs multiple times a day and I feel great about my self for doing so!
5. Don't buy unhealthy snacks
For those of you who are living at college, avoid packing or buying unhealthy snacks. Let's face it, we all have those days where we snack a ridiculous amount usually out of boredom. This is inevitable for most of us, but if you only have Healthy snacks in your room it won't be as bad as binging on a bag of chips!
6. Buy cute workout clothes
If you have cute leggings, tank tops, sports bras, and sneakers you are more likely to WANT to workout beaches you'll WANT to wear your new clothes! And those pictures I talked about taking will look so much better in your new cute clothes!
7. Download workout apps
There is an app for everything!! If you aren't experienced with working out or you are bad at making up workouts there is an app for that! Just hit the App Store and download anything from ab workouts, 5k trainings, yoga or anything you want! Usually, these apps also send you reminders to workout for extra motivation!
8. Befriend others who workout and eat healthy
I had the benefit of joining CHAARG at West Chester University so now I have 100+ new friends who are excited to work out and eat healthily and have a fit life! It definitely helps if you have people around you who want and live the same lifestyle as you
9. Remember how great you feel
After working out, when you wake up in the morning, and just through the day, you will feel so much better internally and externally from working out and eating clean. You won't feel all gross, groggy and tired all day. So next time you wanna stay in bed all day or you want to eat the whole pint of ice cream in one sitting just remember how good you feel when you live a healthy lifestyle.