There's an unwritten rule in dating as a teenager that getting back together with your ex-partner is a no-no. We all know the girl who has given her ex-boyfriend a thousand second chances when he doesn't deserve them, but this, my friends, is different. This is when your love story hasn't quite finished. This is the classic, "we loved each other, but it was the wrong time." Maybe you were too young, too busy, or just not ready for a relationship, but this is how to get back together with your ex (the right way).
Know that this is what you want.
It's human nature to be drawn to people and things that feel familiar. We eat at the same restaurants, shop at the same stores, and hang out with the same people, so it's only natural that we are romantically drawn to somebody that we once dated, but if you just rush back into any old flame you've had then you're headed for trouble. You have to have closure from your relationship, and taken the time necessary to heal. Make sure you know that this person is someone you see a future with, not just a past.
Understand that it will be different.
Although you may want to, you can't just rewind the tape and jump back into how things were the first time you dated. While certain things about your relationship may be similar, you can't expect things to just pick up where you left off. Both of you have changed, you've both grown, maybe you've both been in other relationships, so remember this before you get upset when things don't go as expected. Remember that this isn't a "Part 2" of your first relationship, think of it more like an updated version.
Talk about it.
Don't ignore anything about your (semi) new relationship. It may be easy to ignore all the awkward and uncomfortable topics that cross your mind, for example, all the girls he dated while you were broken up. Although you'd probably rather crawl out of your skin than talk through these things, it'll help strengthen your relationship in the long run and that is always a good thing.
Try not to focus on what others think.
It's almost impossible not to worry about other people judging you for getting back together with an ex, but remember that this is your life and your relationship! Most importantly, this is your chance at happiness. If you let other people dictate what you choose to do, you'll never be happy yourself. Everybody's situation is unique, just like how you don't understand every single person's relationship, not everybody will understand yours. But as long as you are doing what you feel is right, then you're golden.
Let go of the past.
Whatever happened in your first relationship, is over . This was the hardest thing for me when I got back together with my ex-boyfriend, at first all I could think about was how we hurt each other before, and if I didn't knock it off, it could have ruined everything. You have to remember that you've both grown and changed and are willing to try again. Try to look forward rather than behind you. Whatever happened in the past is just that: in the past.