Everyone always has a busy schedule now and often find it difficult to find time to cook. People resort to fast food or other pre-made meals that may not be the healthiest. Cooking isn't as challenging as it seems. Here are some tips to help stay on top of healthy eating.
Schedule time during your week to figure out meals
There are plenty of websites that offer a plethora of quick and easy meals to make, it is just finding the time to browse through them that is the challenge. Taking just 10 minutes to quickly look up recipes can help make a difference and motivate you to cook more.
Look into meal prep websites
Nowadays there are plenty of services online that allow you to select meals and they ship them to you weekly. While some are completely pre-made and all you have to do is heat them up, they usually offer pretty healthy options. There are also other services, such as Hello Fresh, Home Chef, Blue Apron, and many more, that send ingredients with instructions so it is more convenient to cook. These tend to be expensive so are not necessarily ideal for everyone. They do usually offer coupons to first-time users!
Meal prep yourself!
Cooking lots at once and separating into containers for the week makes it more convenient so you have great meals for a few days.
Take a weekly trip to the grocery store
This is important for making sure you always get fresh food to cook with! If you skip going to the grocery store regularly, you will probably be less likely to cook.
Cook for others
Personally, I live alone so I find it difficult to cook for only one person. I often times invite my boyfriend over to cook for. This motivates me to make more meals and further improve my cooking skills.
Try new things
You can try different kinds of foods, as well as find different ways to cook foods! I know I personally tend to be pretty picky with vegetables, but there are so many different ways to cook them to make them more enjoyable!
Evaluate your health
You can go to the doctor or track your meals, but doing this will likely help motivate you to cook to improve your health.
Add some entertainment!
Playing pump up music definitely puts me in a better mood while cooking.
Don't set your expectations too high
If you think you're going to cook the most amazing meals every day, you may want to rethink your plan. Generally, if you begin a new hobby, you don't want to jump right into it or else you maybe become bored with it or be disappointed in your results. Take your time and allow yourself to make mistakes to learn from. You don't always have to make the most extravagant meals. Small steps lead to success!