As the new school year rolls around many seniors in High School are stressed about applying to colleges and finding the right fit for them. Finding the right school for you is hard but very simple once you keep a couple guidelines in mind. After going through the process I am now able to realize what exactly is important when looking for a school.
Lots of kids get wrapped up into the name of the school. Big names like UCLA, NYU, UW-Madison, U of I, Notre Dame, and more are names you constantly hear thrown around. Seniors tend to get caught up in the reputation that the school has, and whether or not their friends will be impressed by what school they’re going to. This thought should be erased from your mind altogether when looking for a school. The only person you should try to impress is yourself. Who cares if your friends have never heard of the school you are going to, all that matters is that you are happy with your decision.
When choosing a school here are a few tips that I found helpful.
1. Find a school that makes you feel at home.
Remember this is going to be your home for the next four years. When looking at colleges you should be tuning into your senses and seeing how you feel on campus. Does it make you feel happy, unsafe, anxious, excited, scared? These are all feelings that can help you lead you towards your final decision. Remember how you felt on each campus can be hard so taking pictures or writing down notes may help you jog your memory when making a final decision.
One of the reasons I chose to study at DePaul University in Chicago was because I grew up about 45 minutes away from DePaul so I felt comfortable with my surroundings. I’ve also always been attracted to the city life so that was something that made me really excited for the next four years.
2. Find a school that you feel will be an asset to the job that you wish to have.
Going to college has one sole purpose. Getting an education to further prepare you for your profession.
Another reason I chose DePaul was because I am studying psychology and hope to become a psychiatrist or therapist. Knowing that a lot of my time would be spent in mental hospitals or institutions I figured what better area than the city, which has lots of resources and opportunities.
3. Think about the atmosphere.
When you’re looking at a school you should be aware of your surroundings and really take in the feel of the community. Also, pay attention to the kinds of people who are around you.
As I said earlier I’ve always wanted to live in a city so what better time to do that than in college? I also liked the fact that since it’s a city it’s extremely diverse. I grew up in a primarily Caucasian community which was not diverse at all. Now being in a diverse community has really helped me grow as a person.
4. Pay attention to the ways you can get involved on campus.
Being involved is something that is going to help your transition run smoothly. It helps you meet other people and keeps you preoccupied.
One of the things I liked about DePaul is that they have so many clubs and organizations to join. They’re also very into giving back to the community. I’ve always enjoyed community service so getting to part take in that more in college was very appealing to me.
I could come up with many more tips as to what to look for in a school but these were the things I found the most helpful when looking at schools.