It is a tale as old as time, your friends with their significant other than there's you.
The friend who everyone loves, but they all feel bad for because "oh you must be lonely" or "you've been single for how long?" You get the classic sympathy of "oh you should meet our friend they'd be perfect for you!" While this comes out of a place of love, why can't anyone realize that there is nothing wrong with being single, sometimes self love is the best love.
Who else knows all your flaws and still loves you?
Who else can make the biggest mistakes and still love you unconditionally?
In this day of age, we think we need another person to make us whole but sometimes that whole you're looking for, is inside of you. Not saying don't find your significant other, I just think to really find someone to love you, you must love yourself. In the words of RuPaul, "if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?"
The journey to self love is one that can't be measured in an amount of time. It is measured in a matter of feeling. To the the day where you wake up can cant find anything you like about yourself in the mirror, to the day that you wake up, morning breath, bed head, and realize how amazing you truly are. You see self love is something that radiates from within. Self love is not something you can buy and just have like the newest Prada bag. No self love is spending a little extra time alone doing things you love.
To find self love, you need a little extra self care. Here is a list of 10 ways to practice self care on your journey of self love.
1. Embrace your loneliness as time to rediscover yourself.
2. Mediation, it may feel weird at first but scientists have proved 15 minutes of meditation a day is equivalent to the feeling of being on vacation.
4. Watch Someone Great on Netflix. (Also have a new appreciation for Truth Hurts by Lizzo.)
5. TRAVEl. Wether this is a road trip or trip across the world, traveling alone with nothing but your best play list makes you realize you don't need another dance partner.
6. Face masks. Okay this is self care and skin care because you don't want your face to look like a leather purse when you're 30.
7. Watch Ted Talks on self love. This sounds cheesy but they really help make you feel empowered.
8. Take time to read a book. Find books you really love, put your phone away and just enjoy your serine moments.
9. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else. YOU ARE TRYING. Don't forget social media is only the highlights of peoples lives.
10. Exercise. Find a way to love your body from within. There is nothing better then feeling stronger and knowing that you take that time for yourself. It is all work you have done.
Remember, no one else will love you like you do.
Love yourself like Kanye loves Kanye.