In this time that is troubling for many, you may find yourself looking for ways to pull yourself together, feel normal, and simply get through the day.
Here are some tips that have helped me through the dark and move forward.
1. Find a cuddle buddy
For me, this was my cats. They decided to appoint themselves as my emotional support animals while I was grieving Hillary's loss. They didn't leave my side the night after the election and helped me feel loved in every way they could with their cuddles and purrs. It sounds silly, but it works.
If you don't have pets, the next best thing is humans. I suggest a boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, parent, sibling, friendly stranger at Starbucks, or basically anyone who will give you comfort.
2. Escape physically
Sometimes, you need to get the hell away. Even if it's just for a few hours. Find your happy place away from the craziness and find your zen. If it's America that is making you crazy, and you've watched everything on Netflix twice already, see if you can pack up and leave the country for a few days. If this isn't possible for you, then you can...
3. Escape mentally
I did this tonight. Too many stress headaches led to wine and coloring. Within 10 minutes, I felt so much better. I also recommend watching mindless, terrible-but-good TV (Toddlers and Tiaras and Teen Mom 2 provide some excellent mental relaxation), reading (nothing that will make you think too hard, though), watching movies, or physical activity can all be excellent ways to clear your mind. Physical activity has the extra bonus of endorphins, but who wants to do that when there's coloring and Teen Mom!?!?
4. Take a nap
This doesn't need an explanation. Naps make everything better.
5. Try something you've been meaning to do for a while
What better way to take time away from your troubles than to focus on something you have been wanting to try for a long time, but never found the time to focus on? Now is your chance! Write that novel! Learn how to ride that bike! You've got this!
6. Blast amazing music and sing your heart out
My personal favorite for this is blasts from the past. Anything from growing up that lets me escape into old memories and past lifetimes is a key to feeling better. Let music allow your mind wander and create the beautiful world you want to be in.
7. Allow yourself time to turn off
This is the most important! If you are stressed out, sad, or need a break, TAKE ONE! You need to put yourself first. The most important part of being healthy is mental health. So when you feel yourself reaching your limits, take a break. You'll come back even stronger.