Many of us try to find our relatives, acquaintances, friends, classmates, fellow students, etc. via the Internet. However, for some, searching for a person on the Internet causes genuine difficulties, while others do not know about modern tools that allow such operations to be carried out. The following are some basic techniques that will help 100 free people finder.
How to search for a person on the Internet: basic search criteria
To begin with, let's figure out exactly what criteria you can use to find the right person. The most basic are considered to be the following: surname, name, patronymic (plus date of birth and nickname); place of birth or residence with address, if known; photo; place of work (current or earlier); phone number; E-mail address; website (if any); external IP address of the computer.
It would seem that the question of how to find a person on the Internet by personal data (name) can be solved quite simply, even if you ask them in a regular search engine like Google. But here, after all, it is worth considering that in the world with the same surnames, names and patronymics, with the complete coincidence of the desired combination, there can be many such people. In this case, it is better to add a date of birth or, for example, a school nickname or even a photo.
If there is a phone number or email address, the matter is simplified, especially since many services or the same social networks require such data to be specified during registration. But standard search engines give the maximum possible number of results, and most services do not provide such data or do not advertise at all, since such information is considered strictly confidential. If you are interested in customer io pricing, please follow the link to learn more.
Search for a person on the Internet: where to look?
Thus, the use of search engines looks inappropriate, so it is easier to apply other methods. Among the most accessible are: popular social networks; intended place of work; specialized search services.
Social networks
Today, social networks are considered the most popular, in which almost half of the world is registered. In them, the search is the easiest. How to calculate a person on the Internet if he is registered, for example, on Facebook ? Simply enter your personal details and add your intended place of birth or residence.
A huge plus of social networks is the presence of a "smart" search in them, which involves the use of name or surname transformations in different language layouts. This can be explained with an example as follows. Suppose we need to find a person named Yaroslav. Search engines of social networks, when formatting the results, will also include names written in the English version - Yaroslav. Sometimes diminutive names like Yarik or Yarik may be added.
Even more interesting is the search with the name Lena. And the system absolutely does not care how this name is written. The results will show Alena, and Lena, and Alena, and Alyona (it's no secret that many Lenas call themselves Alenas and register under such names).
Place of work
The problem of how to find a person on the Internet can be solved quite simply if you know exactly where he works at the moment (or worked before). As a rule, today on the Internet you can find not only large or medium-sized enterprises that acquire their own websites, but also meet a lot of advertisements for goods and services from small firms.
Of course, if you search by the name of the company and its location, you will only get some contact numbers related to the company as a whole, and not to an individual person who interests you (unless it belongs to the management, and his number is not specified). directly on the site or in the ad). But there is no problem here either. It is enough just to call the company and find out if the person you are looking for works there, or even invite him to the phone.
Using sniffers and specialized services
Now let's see how to find a person on the Internet using some non-standard methods. In this case, we are talking about the joint use of sniffers (programs that allow you to find out the external IP of the computer from which you access the Internet) and narrowly targeted search services. For security reasons, for obvious reasons, the full algorithm of the sniffer, either installed directly on a computer or its Internet counterpart, will not be given. Suffice it to say that its work is based on the fact that you send a letter with an attachment (for example, with a picture) to a person’s e-mail, the recipient opens it, and in response you receive the external IP of his computer. Similar procedures can be performed in social networks.
After that, the question of how to “punch” a person on the Internet comes down to entering the received IP on sites like WhoIs.com. Upon completion of the analysis (of course, if the computer you are looking for does not use a connection through a VPN, proxy, or some kind of anonymizer), a location result will be displayed, but not of the computer that you are looking for, but of the provider providing Internet access services. All that remains is to call the provider and find out the address or personal data of the registered user (most providers do not provide such data, so you will have to use all sorts of tricks and tricks).
As you can see, the question of how to find a person on the Internet is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. In addition, only the most basic criteria and search methods were considered here, since it is simply impossible to describe everything for obvious reasons. Yes, and the average user simply does not need too abstruse methods. Separately, it should be said that the use of sniffers, by and large, can be attributed to somewhat illegal methods, classified as a hacking attempt. Therefore, it must be clearly understood that this information was provided for informational purposes only.
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