Mornings are the start of the day, why not enjoy them? Here are seven ways to help you fall in love with mornings.
1. Start your day with breakfast and a cup of coffee.
Breakfast is extremely important to get your brain and body fueled up and ready to seize the day. Coffee will give you that extra burst of energy.
2. Read for 30 minutes to an hour.
You can read a novel, journal or even listen to a podcast. Something that can make you feel relaxed and productive.
3. Visualize and write down your to-do list and goals for the day.
Give yourself an
idea of what you are suppose to do. A visualization will make it a
lot easier to remember and complete your objectives.
4. Write about something.
You can write about anything. I typically like to write about how I'm feeling and my interests. You can even do a dream journal right when you wake up.
5. Exercise.
This will make you
feel energized and ready to take on the day. I'm way more productive
when I work out in the morning. I love to add yoga into my workout.
6. Do something you're passionate about to make yourself feel inspirational.
could craft something, paint, watch your favorite TV show (but make
sure you cut yourself off before you binge), or even just go on
7. Take a hot shower.
This will also make you wake up, and feel better, especially
if you're not a morning person. Also, if you're going to work out,
you'll need one.
Remember: the earlier you wake up the more you can accomplish. Start your day off positive!