For some reason, confidence seems to be an evident theme in my life, especially this week. Quite a few people have talked to me recently about how I seem to have confidence. When people tell me this I have to try so hard not to laugh, not because what they are saying is crazy, but because I am the least confident person I know. I just know how to fake it really well, so here are some tips on how to fake that confidence that is in all of us. (Also this is from a ladies point of view so I am sorry gentlemen I have nothing to offer, except maybe some entertainment.)
1. Head up, Shoulders back, Eyes forward
Chanel your inner Runway model. I am a big fan of the show America's Next Top Model, and if you have ever seen a runway show, the models have their head up, shoulders back and are looking straight forward, why? Because it makes you look confident whether you truly believe it or not. Good posture says a lot. It exudes this confidence of "I know what I'm doing." In all reality, we have NO idea what we are doing, and we are all just trying to get through this thing called life without being judged so harshly.
2. Power Walk
One word can describe this step, Beyonce. When you see Beyonce I am sure she turns heads not just because she is Beyonce, but because she also has flair. I mean, dang, look at her walk; that is the definition of a power walk. She exudes confidence because when you have a power walk, you can't not have confidence.
3. Throw on some makeup
This is my absolute favorite scene out of all Disney Princess films; look at those lines and that perfection, it's not fair. Let me first say that if you are confident without makeup major props to you, own that. Now for the rest of girl world, it is amazing what makeup can do for you. I know that when I am not feeling well and I throw on some mascara, I feel just a little bit better. I think the problem with makeup in this day and age is that people assume that women wear makeup for men; that is simply not true. Women wear makeup for themselves, to help us feel more confident. Makeup has some serious power to up our confidence, it's a step in the right direction. I am a firm believer in the inside-out approach, but I also think that when we feel beautiful on the outside it'll help us with our confidence on the inside.
4. Do your hair
This is just like the makeup, it's amazing what a bomb hairstyle can do for your confidence, just try it sometime.
5. Dress to Impress... Yourself
Have you ever put on an outfit and felt so good about yourself? Not in a condescending way, but in a way that says "I'm ready to conquer the world." Own that, hone in on that confidence. When you dress in an outfit that you feel good in, you tend to walk a little taller, lift your head up. You tend to add a little skip to your step and a little swing to your hips. Come on you know exactly which outfit I'm talking about; I bet your picturing it in your head right now. Go put it on and make the world your runway.
6. Try adding Heels
If you are anything like me, you are probably really clumsy. If you are clumsy, like me, try walking in heels. I know you are probably gonna ask me, "Are you crazy? If I'm clumsy the last thing I'm gonna do is try and walk in heels." Now, before you ride me off as crazy, hear me out. I am very clumsy, but when I put on heels I have to walk with confidence. I have to walk with confidence with heels on because otherwise I will fall flat on my face and probably break my ankle at the same time. Heels are another one of those things that you have to be confident when you wear them.
7. Diamonds are a girl's best friend (Fake ones also work)
Now I don't mean literal diamonds, I mean jewelry. Again it is hard not to be confident when you have awesome jewelry on. When you have great jewelry, you want to show it off. How we show awesome jewelry off is how we present ourselves. We elongate our necks and we talk a lot more with our hands which add excitement to our stories all because we want to show off what jewelry we are wearing. All of a sudden, we become ladies, and we feel like Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn.
8. Be Yourself
Probably the most valuable thing I've said throughout this entire article. Be yourself, be happy with who you are in your own skin and your confidence will shine through on the outside. You are amazing and talented and beautiful and once you know that and believe that; you won't have to fake anything. You can be truly confident and that in itself is amazing.