"Don't fight your demons. Your demons are here to teach you lessons. Sit down with your demons and have a drink and a chat and learn their names and talk about the burns on their fingers and scratches on their ankles. Some of them are very nice" - Charles Bukowski
This is an amazing quote said by an amazing person. Facing your demons is just another expression for dealing with the unconscious aspects of your personalities. Your demons are just a term to represent your fears, insecurities, doubts or negative beliefs are the source of suffering. It is just another name for your insecurities, doubts for yourself and so much more. it is much easier to run from your problems than to face it.
Yes, it is tough.
Yes, the other way is so much easier. But this way, you are facing it.
One thing we have to understand is that there is a solution forever problem in this universe. We just have to open our eyes and our mind to see it and use it in our situation. I know it's easier said than done. But I used to be like that. I used ti run from my problems. It seemed like an easier choice so I chose that. But at a certain point, I realized that was not making things better. It was just me avoiding my problems not solving them. So I decided that I have to stop it and do something about it. So yes I did do something about it. I started to face my problems. It was very hard in the beginning but as time went by, I forgot there was another option I could take.
"If I got rid of my demons, I'd lose my angels."―Tennessee Williams.
There is one thing in our lives called the comfort zone. Most of us spurn to do something new is because we are still in our comfort zone. Only when we come out out it, we start to live life to its fullest.
There are no shortcuts for life. And we can't live other people's lives too. I have read a quote somewhere which I would like to use here.
"Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others. Not realizing that everyone has a different question paper". If you think about that, it makes absolute sense. When we try to live like somebody else, we are borrowing their identity. Each and every human being is different. There is no replaces for any of us. So how can we live like somebody else if we are one of a kind? Sometimes people forget that and live other people's life. it's then they get into trouble.
Let me ask you something, How long will you run from them? You have been running all this time and has it helped you yet? If it hasn't, then its time to stop running from your problems and face it.