It’s never fun having to choose between your workout and your wardrobe so why not both? After all, it’s pretty difficult to resist a good sale even when you should be going to the gym. With Christmas coming up in a few weeks, you will be spending a lot of time in a mall! Nevertheless, let shopping really be your cardio. Here are numerous ways to help multitask two important activities at once…
Shop in real life.
We live in a very virtual world where online shopping can be done anywhere anytime. Yet, it is always better for your body to go outside and take a trip to a local mall to pick out some cute outfits rather than just scrolling online.
Park far away on purpose.
Instead of driving around and around the parking lot waiting for a close spot to clear up, take the initiative to purposely park the farthest away possible. That way, you can add on some extra steps to your shopping trip! Plus if it is nice weather outside, why not?
Proper shopping posture.
In the chaos of a crowded shopping mall, try your best to maintain a healthy posture while walking around. If you are carrying heavy shopping bags, make sure the weight is properly balanced. Fun fact! By bending your elbow and pressing it into your side with your palms facing up, you will further engage the bicep! Think about lengthening your neck, pulling your earlobes away from your shoulders when it comes to a good posture. Make sure your hips stay directly over your shoulders. It also doesn’t hurt to just engage your core while walking. This will tighten your abs while you strut through all your favorite shops.
Carry your friends' shopping bags too.
Offering to carry your friends’ shopping bag makes you a great friend and a fit shopper. Adding this additional weight to you walking increases the overall intensity. It may not be much but every bag counts! After all, the more weight you bear, the more calories you will burn so keep shopping.
Circle the entire store before going in any aisles.
By forcing yourself to circle the perimeter of the store first, you will be racking up extra steps. Not to mention, you will probably find some pretty cute stuff along the way, too.
Bonus! Here are some subtle yet active exercises that are great to do while waiting in line:
Butt Clenchers
As tightly as you can, squeeze your buns together. Hold for a few seconds and then continue to repeat.
Calf Raises
Squeeze your butt and life your heels off the ground with your feet together. The higher you get off the ground, the better. But if you want to be subtle, even coming up just a half inch is beneficial.
Pulse Breathing
By inhaling hair and then pulsating your breath as you exhale, you will be further strengthening your core by engaging your abs.
Make sure to do these exercises in small increments as you really do not want to literally shop till you drop!