How I Met Your Mother is easily one of the most amazing shows known to mankind. Not only is it hilarious, but it is one of the most informative, motivational, and heartfelt shows I have ever seen. While it may be silly, a person can take a lot away from what the storyline teaches you. That being said, here are the most efficient ways a college kid can use the information provided by the characters of HIMYM:
1. Graduation Goggles: The nostalgic feeling one gets when a specific period of time comes to an end, regardless of if the person enjoyed that time or not.
Being away at college is one of the biggest changes in a young adults life. It's hard sometimes to remember exactly how you felt about high school, because the uncomfortable feeling of change that coincides with going off to college clouds how you truly feel about the people you left behind. Try to refrain from sulking in the past of what you could have done in high school. Move on from the mistakes, move on from the past, and live for today. There is nothing wrong with missing high school and missing home, but remember that the people at college are willing to love you just as much as the people back home. Give everyone a chance, because you will always have a home to go back to, but this college experience only comes once in a lifetime.
2. The Platinum Rule: Don't date somebody you know you will see every day.
If you go to a small university, it may be extremely difficult to date a person you will never see, because odds are you will most likely run into them on your way to the library or even to class. If you go to a much larger school, this rule may be easier to follow. Coming from someone who has gotten their heart broken, I can confidently say that seeing the person you were one dating hurts like hell. Steer clear from that as much as possible, unless there is an exception :)
3. Rabbit or Duck: Relationships are like the rabbit (hate) and the duck (love) theory. One day, you could wake up after believing someone was a duck, to immediately looking at them like a rabbit.
Being away from home can make you feel lonely sometimes. Most people leave a nurturing home that was always full of support and love, making being alone at college a bit lonely and sad at times. What you must remember, though, is to not jump into something just because you feel lonely. One day, you may look at a person and think of them as a duck (aka someone you love), only to wake up one morning and realize they're nothing but a rabbit (aka someone you aren't compatible with). Make sure to put you effort into the person you know is a duck and will forever remain a duck.
4. Reacher/Settler: In a relationship, there will be one person that reaches for someone that is out of their league, and one person that settles for someone below.
Always be a reacher. Don't be a reacher because you want to date the hottest person, but because you want to be with someone who makes your heart beat a million times a minute. Never settle for someone that doesn't treat you the way you should be treated. Always reach to be your happiest version of yourself, and to be with a person that compliments that behavior.
5. Single Stamina/Couples Coma: You can always tell in the club who is in a relationship and who is single.
When you're out, embrace the nature of the current relationship you're in. Honestly, there is nothing wrong with going out and keeping your focus on the person you want to spend the evening with. On the other hand, if you're single, there is also nothing wrong with going out and partying until you can't feel your feet. Who cares what the people around you think of you! Live it up.
6. Revertigo: When you're around somebody from your past that you begin acting like the person you were when you knew them
Nobody said that going away to college meant you had to leave all your high school friends in your past. If someone from high school means that much to you, keep making the effort in order for them to remain in your life. This doesn't mean you need to have everyone you were friends with in high school remain in your life, this just means to keep the people that make you happy around. When you reconnect with those friends, though, make sure to stay true to who you are. Things change, and people change. If they loved you in high school they will be sure to love you in college. And if they don't? You don't need those types of people in your life.
7. The Lemon Law: 5 minutes into a date when you get to decide if you should stay or if you should bail.
It's very commonly known that every person you date will not be "the one". It's very likely that you won't find that person for a few more years. If you're in college and you're dating, it may be a good idea to have an escape plan with a friend in order to get you out of a date. Don't immediately bail after the first 30 seconds. Give them a chance, and then decide for yourself if the date is worth continuing. Don't be a jerk about it (unless you really have to be). Do what is right for you, and never keep yourself in an uncomfortable position.
8. The Lobster Condition: The incredible urge and desire to have something you know you simply cannot have
Robin blew up like a balloon after eating lobster, yet knowing very well that she was incredibly allergic. After being told she could never eat lobster again, it's all she wanted to do. Keep in mind that there will be some things you should not do or you should not go to. If someone says "don't go out tonight", you should probably listen. If someone in college tells you to stay in, it's probably for a very good reason. Don't neglect the judgment and advice provided by the people who love you, and even the people that live with you every day!! They want the best for you!
10. The 2AM Rule: Nothing good ever happens after 2AM
If you happen to glance at the clock and it is almost 2AM, just go to sleep. You will make your worst decisions after 2AM, decisions you will surely regret in the morning. Not only could you be filled to your eyeballs in alcohol, consumed by pure exhaustion, but you will make some of the dumbest decisions ever. Just go to sleep.
But... some rules were meant to be broken.