Do you like to travel? Do you really? See, I have this disease. I'm super infected with the travel bug. Do you think you are as ill as me? If you have any of these symptoms, you might be in a for a new diagnosis.
1. You can pack 2 weeks worth of clothes, shoes and supplies into a carry-on bag.
2. You can say "hello" in at least 10 languages.
Hello, ciao, da, hola...
3. You know how to bathe without a shower.
When you opt into a 20 hour flight, you know what you have to do. Sorry not sorry!
4. You can name at least 5 obscure countries without looking at a map.
5. You would rather pay for a plane ticket for a weekend getaway somewhere new than food for a week.
Not a healthy choice, but you know that's what you'd choose.
6. Talking to strangers or authority figures doesn't phase you.
Sometimes you just really need directions or make a little mistake, and they're the ones around to help you.