On the urban Boston University campus, students bike all throughout the area. On Commonwealth Avenue, this activity has proven dangerous. With cars speeding by immediately next to bikes, both cyclists and drivers often feel uncomfortable. Rules for bikers on the road are not clear or strictly enforced, making Boston roads hazardous.
The intersection of Commonwealth Ave and the Mass Pike by the BU Bridge has become a hot spot for bike accidents. Between 2009 and 2012, more than a dozen collisions involving cars striking bikes occurred in this location alone according to the Boston Area Research Initiative. Also within this short time frame, there were at least 1,800 individual bike accidents in the city of Boston.
Both bikers and drivers have been found at fault for accidents. Not only are careless drivers a factor, but reckless bikers also contribute to the problem. When bikers are within their lane, they are supposed to obey the same rules of the road as cars. Among these are stopping at red lights, staying within the lane, and using caution when approaching corners. While many bikers follow these rules, others ignore them. When a biker goes through a red light without stopping, they run the same risks as a car running the stoplight. As a physical vehicle does not protect them, bikers expose themselves to a much greater danger than cars when running the light. Many feel they constantly have the right of way because they are not driving, but when cyclists enter a bike lane, they must take on the same responsibilities as drivers.
A huge portion of issues relating to bike danger comes from a lack of law enforcement. Bikers and drivers are both prohibited from running red lights, but far fewer bikes are pulled over for this offense. If a biker can continue down the street without risk of being punished, they are more than likely going to do so simply because it is convenient. Moreover, some bikers refuse to wear helmets despite Massachusetts law requiring they do so. Bikers are usually not reprimanded for this violation, further contributing to the dangers they face on Comm Ave.
Still, cars pose the biggest threats to bikers. Faster and larger, vehicles can do major damage to the bikers sharing the road with them. Drivers find themselves frustrated with having to look out for bikers. With street parking, the bike lane becomes very narrow, often forcing bikers to edge into other lanes, increasing the risk of a collision. Furthermore, there is no real separation between the bike and car lanes. As a result, drivers often invade the bicycle lane, eliminating the safety and function of the separate lane for cyclists.
In order to make biking safer, BU and the city of Boston need to make improvements to the bike lanes all over the city, particularly on Commonwealth Avenue. To do so, the city should install rails separating the bike lane from the open road, or put the bike lane on the inside of street parking next to the sidewalk. By doing so, the city would create distinct areas for drivers and bikers, making the roads safer for both.
Additionally, police need to increase enforcement of laws for bikers. If bikers are punished for offenses like running red lights and not wearing helmets, they will be far more likely to obey these laws in the future. Once enforcement spreads, even more bikers will become aware of the laws and follow them more closely.
A final step in increasing bike safety is mandating that those biking at night wear some kind of reflective gear. Drivers cannot see bikers clearly at night, so people on bikes should be required to have reflective gear on themselves or their bike. Then, they will be more visible to drivers, eliminating some of the danger associated with biking at night.
Bike safety has become a prevalent issue all over the city of Boston, especially at BU. In order to prevent further deaths and injuries, action must be taken on behalf of bikers and drivers. Everyone should be cautious of others on the road. With the popularity of biking in Boston, both bikers and drivers need to be aware of one another. By making improvements like adding rails and enforcing laws for bikers, the city and university will be able to make the roads a better place for all users.