College students dread finals week. Plain and simple. Professors seem to wait until the last couple of weeks of the semester to pile on papers and projects on top of the exams that you have to take. There's no way around it. Having all of these assignments to do during such a short period of time causes a lot of stress and anxiety on the typical full-time college student. Whether this is your first finals week or your seventh time enduring it, take these tips into consideration when you're having thoughts of dropping out.
Get Organized.
Plan out what you're studying for or working on ahead of time. Give yourself an adequate amount of time to start and finish each assignment before you move on to the next one. Set a goal of when you would like to complete the paper or project and aim for that as best as possible.
One Task At a Time.
Do not overwhelm yourself by trying to do multiple assignments at once. Start something, finish it, and move forward. This way you can fully invest your brain power into the task at hand.
Study With Friends.
Odds are, your friends will be studying too. Make studying fun! Use them as resources especially if you're in the same classes. Quiz each other and bounce ideas off of one another. Like they say, two brains are better than one.
Take Breaks.
You might think that staying in a room on the quiet floor of the library of 13 hours a day is a good idea, but by hour four, you're probably shot. Take a walk and get some fresh air. Change up your scenery. Talk to people and socialize even though you think you shouldn't during such a busy time of the year. Give your brain a rest so you can continue with a clear head later on.
Take Care of Yourself.
You may not think you have time to eat, sleep, hydrate and exercise. I promise you do. Taking care of yourself should be your number one priority if you want to be successful. How do you expect to do well on your final if you haven't slept in 36 hours? This means do not drink that fourth cup of coffee at 10 p.m. just to stay up and study a little bit more. Make sure you are getting a good night's sleep before you plan on writing a paper or taking a final exam. Eat a normal diet so you can think clearly while getting all of your assignments done. Food is fuel.
Remember, The End is Near!
Just think, it's only one dreadful week. After that, you're free! Let that be your motivation to do well on your assignments and finals. Make plans to celebrate with your friends once you have all finished the semester. Don't let one week of school work consume your mind. Give yourself something to look forward to.
Finally, always remember that you are not alone. Most of your peers are probably just as stressed out as you are. Talk to them and lift each other's spirits. Just breathe. You'll get through this.