What to Do if You Get Pulled Over | The Odyssey Online
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I Got My First Ticket and Here is What I Learned

What to do and not do when you get pulled over.

I Got My First Ticket and Here is What I Learned

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I should have known that the trip I was taking was going to be a bad one because I saw a dead cat on the side of the road and it also took me about 4 different highways to get to my destination. I was headed on a road trip for the afternoon to go finalize the details of an internship and was headed back home on the second 3 hour drive of the day. To preface this, I needed to pee... really really bad and the only places to stop were gas stations and I did not feel like being kidnapped so I held it in. Before you say anything, I went before I left but a venti latte and venti pink drink were getting to me. In addition to the urge to pee, it was late and also very dark and I was on an unfamiliar road.

I was driving in the left lane and about to pass a car on the right when they turned on their lights and it turns out that it was a police officer. Now, at this point in time, I had never been pulled over so I did not know what to do. I pulled over and waited when he came over and yelled for me to go to the other side of the road. Apparently you need to pull to the right side and not the left; I really didn't know. I learned a bit from this experience because apparently the 2 years I have been driving to and from college I have been doing it wrong.

1.  Pull to the right

Like I said, I didn't know, but pull to the right. Just do it.

2.  Don't cry or freak out

Crying might make it worse and freaking out and being in hysterics won't help the situation at all.

3.  Have your insurance and license ready to go

It makes the process go faster and makes you seem respectable. If I were a cop, I would appreciate it if the person I pulled over was ready to go and knew what I needed.

4.  Be honest

Don't lie. If you're speeding and they ask why, be honest. When he asked me I told him the truth, I really had to pee and he was kind enough to tell me where the nearest rest stops were and offered to follow me there so I felt safe (even though I declined) and I would like to think that my honesty helped let me off on the lesser of the charges.

4.  Put on your hazards

Put on your hazards, especially if it is dark. It lets other drivers know that you're stopped and also shows the officer that you know he is there and you are going to cooperate.

5.  Be nice

Don't be rude. No one wants to get pulled over and no one wants some one to be a jerk to them on the job. Don't be rude to them and they may be more inclined to help you out *wink wink.

7.  Call your parents ASAP

I was so scared but I knew that I needed to call and tell my dad before he found out the next day or via me messing up dealing with it myself. He wasn't that mad and it turns out that he was more than willing to help me out which was good. It felt nice to have him be in the loop.

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