I have seen SO many people post about "dartying," and at first, I was like OK, weirdos, what is this? Being an OU student I should have known. To darty is to day party. When the weather is nice, when the sun is out, and the homework is done (or not done, if you're someone who can handle that. I cannot. Work hard, play hard, amiright?) we college kids don't head to the bars, we head to the front porches and front yards to party. Here is the best way to darty.
1. Pace yourself.
2. Don't ignore responsibilities to darty.
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. If you have work, homework, a group project, or whatever, don't skip them to darty, because chances are, people will still be drinking when you're done. And you also don't want to fail school or lose your job over this.
3. Don't mooch.
Don't steal someone's alcohol. Unless you've been offered one, don't take one. It is so rude.
4. Drink water.
I sound like a mom, but it is a lot hotter than what you're used to. If you don't drink water every couple of drinks, then you'll get dehydrated and that is not fun.
5. Be nice to the police.
Yes, they know what you're doing. No, they aren't out to get you. They're there to look out for you. SO be nice to them, follow the law, and you will be fine.
6. Have fun!
These are the best days, and they are a great time. So enjoy them! Just be safe, my friends.