How To Clear Your Mind While Cleaning Your Space | The Odyssey Online
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How To Clear Your Mind While Cleaning Your Space

Being forced to quarantine at the same time as spring cleaning... Coincidence? I think not!

How To Clear Your Mind While Cleaning Your Space
Photo by Autri Taheri on Unsplash

Now, you and me both know that this quarantine hasn't been all that fun at times. Nor has this time of social distancing and isolation been the peek of motivation for many of us. Heck, some of us have been wearing the same clothes for days on end with our hair actively begging to be washed (I'm not guilty, you are)! The laundry is piled up in the corner practically being able to walk itself to the washer, wouldn't that be nice, and our beds remain unmade with half of the comforter on the floor. Not to mention the state of our kitchens, living rooms and even the daunting, and everyone's least favorite to clean, bathroom. And that pet you call your fur baby, yeah they are starting to look a little bit on the rougher side as well. These are all signs that it is time to dust some cobwebs away and welcome Spring!

Being in a messy, haphazardly organized space can put a person in a funk, figuratively and literally! A way that is tried and true for getting motivated to do other things, as well as getting yourself in a clearer, happier and healthier mindset is to pick up, organize and re-evaluate your surroundings. Not only will your space look and smell better, you will feel a great sense of accomplishment being more inclined to continue onto other projects like the yard work you've been avoiding or the latest DIY you pinned on your black hole of a Pinterest page. Don't deny it, we all have one!

Sometimes, after feeling bogged down for so long with the feelings of boredom and stress that life brings, it can be difficult to get started. Something that has always worked for me is to take it one room at a time. Maybe start with your bedroom by making the bed, doing laundry and even reorganizing thing like your closet and nightstand! Lets face it, most of us have a slight case of hoarding, weather it is with clothes, jewelry or something else entirely. This is a great opportunity to pick through things and determine if they are worth keeping, trashing or possibly donating! After going through each room one by one, next thing you know, your entire home is squeaky clean and smelling fresh!

So, are you feeling a little bit blah, maybe smell like you haven't showered in a while and you have a stain on your shirt from that pint of Ben and Jerry's you ate three days ago? Put your hair up, turn on the tunes on and get to cleaning! Maybe start by plopping your pup, bunny, cat or whatever other pet you may have into some smelly good suds! Take my word for it, after cleaning you will feel a million times happier and more productive. One more thing, don't for get to stay happy, healthy and kind while enjoying your newly cleaned and yummy smelling home!

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