It is that time of year again. Christmas.
Synonymous with Christmas is the expectation that we receive gifts from family and friends.
To me, Christmas is more than what I am hoping to see under the Christmas tree.
Christmas is about finding the right gift and giving back to those who gave to you throughout the year.
The right gift is different for everybody, and finding the gift is just as much fun as giving it to the person who it is intended for.
But, how do you find the right gift? That’s the real question.
A trick I have learned over the years is to listen intently to those who you intend to get a gift for. Subconsciously, and sometimes consciously they will remark about what they need or what they hope to get for themselves down the road.
Mark this down in your head. Underline it. Highlight it.
Superglue it to your hand if you have to so that you never let go of it.
Whatever they mention or remark about is the “right” gift!
Now, it is time to get the gift. This is the really fun part. You get to have a scavenger hunt for either one or multiple people, and the more you have the more fun it is trying to find the “right” gift.
Getting the “right” gift can take you many places, and you can meet new people that you would probably not meet if you hadn’t gone on your gift excursion. Sometimes though, the gift you are looking for is absent from the stores, so hit up Amazon or whatever massive online store that you prefer. I am sure whatever you are looking for and more will be there.
Gifts don’t necessarily have to be an item or something you buy. A gift can be anything. It can even be you. The best feeling you can get during Christmas is when you get to see someone else smile, cry, or laugh out of happiness because of your gift. It shows in that moment how beautiful life can be when you take a moment to do something for another person.
That’s what Christmas is all about. This season is about being able to provide happiness for others in even the simplest ways possible. It doesn’t have to be a big production, but maybe you want to make a big production about the gift. Either way you are making someone happy.
So, when Christmas really rolls around this year listen a little harder to those who you love to find out how you can give them some holiday happiness. I know they will appreciate it.
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!