Deciding which college to choose is a huge decision and can be extremely stressful for a senior in high school. Many factors play into what makes a college right for an individual. Everyone is different, so here are some points to consider when trying to make the right decision:
1. Don't be a follower
It is easy for many people to allow their friends' decision determine theirs. They don't want to have to start over and make new friends, but your decisions need to be based on what's best for you.
2. Location
Do you want it be located close, or far away from home? Do you prefer to live in a big city, small town, or a mixture of both?
3. Size
Larger colleges offer more programs than smaller schools; however, they usually have larger class sizes. This can become overwhelming to some students, so they prefer smaller colleges that don't have hundreds of students per class. Although smaller colleges allow for smaller class sizes, they usually don't have as many program options.
4. Cost
The cost of college can be extremely worrisome for students and parents. Private and out-of-state colleges usually cost much more than public schools; however, the quality of education may be better. Although college is expensive, there are many scholarship opportunities. Talking to a school counselor, and viewing the scholarships available on a college's website are a great way to find them.
5. Visit
My friend recently visited her dream college. She was dead set on attending this college all throughout high school, until she finally went on a tour there. After experiencing the people and atmosphere, she completely crossed that college option off of her list. Sometimes colleges look completely different on paper than in person.