How to choose a bracelet? | The Odyssey Online
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How to choose a bracelet?

In precious metal or not, adorned with pearls, rhinestones, and beautiful stones, the choice of a bracelet constitutes a privileged fashion accessory for both women and men.

How to choose a bracelet?

In precious metal or not, adorned with pearls, rhinestones, and beautiful stones, the choice of a bracelet constitutes a privileged fashion accessory for both women and men. That said, given the changing trends, it is difficult to make a firm choice on which model to buy. To help you, here are our few recommendations for choosing the right bracelet.

What types of bracelets to choose?

During the selection of earrings, the type of bracelets to choose must also take into account the morphology of each one. Here, it will be a question of measuring the wrist to buy an almost tailor-made item (neither too small nor too wide).

In addition, we also advise you not to go against the nature of your body. If you have rounded shapes, avoid thin bracelets that would go unnoticed on you. Instead, choose bulky accessories such as evil eye bracelets or bangles. Failing that, you can always bet on the colored variations with attractive and warm shades such as red for example.

If, on the contrary, your wrist is thin, minimalist bracelets will make better alternatives. The fine multi-row chains are part of the timeless models and are to be favored in your choice. You can choose the simple, embellished with pearls or rhinestones, or with pendants of all kinds.

Choose a men's bracelet

Men are much prettier than you might think. They pay just as much attention to their appearance as women. Also, the modern man accessorizes his outfits more. And among the jewels that won the hearts of these gentlemen, men also choose bracelets for their handles. But it is still necessary to know how to show discernment to avoid flop during the selection.

If metal bracelets with the engraved first name were very common among men, the trend has changed a lot now. These models are sometimes considered offbeat and out of time. The trend today is for leather straps. As a cuff, multirow, or single cord, leather is a noble material that gives authenticity to your look.

That said, if you have a preference for metal bracelets, aged steel will make a choice piece in your collection. Regarding the design, a bangle or a mesh model will give you a chic and elegant look.

In terms of color, sobriety is essential: black, brown, or gray. But if you want to indulge in fantasy, gold can be a bold choice, but it will certainly earn you the compliment of some of your entourage.

Choose a bracelet for women

There are as many models of bracelets for women as there are tastes. The choice for women's bracelets is very wide and varied. The important thing is to be true to yourself without leaving aside the morphological criterion. The size of the jewel in question will have a direct influence on the effect it will have on you. Keep in mind that such an accessory was first designed to show you off.

If you have an average size, opt for bracelets that are neither too big nor too thin. Charm bracelets will suit you. They also have the advantage of being customizable as desired. However, be careful not to overload them with charms. The port could quickly become uncomfortable.

Bead or semi-precious stone bracelets also make good candidates, especially when combined with these evil eye necklaces. Their measurements do not exceed 1 cm. In the case of a thin wrist, discreet chains and rushes remain the best alternatives. If you rather have a few curves, bet on the headlines. They are sure to get noticed by those around you.

What material for a bracelet?

What makes all the beauty of the field of jewelry is the plurality of basic materials that will give life to the final accessory. Between precious metal, leather, and bone or animal horns, the choice is wide. The question to ask is then: which bracelet material will last the longest?

Of course, we will tend to answer you with gold, silver, stainless steel, or titanium. However, such models do not cost candy. You will be able to afford them very rarely and even then you will only use them for special occasions.

For everyday life, we tend to recommend more accessible versions, but of appreciable quality. Stainless steel, leather, pearls, and rhinestones have affordable prices without failing you after only a few days of use.

Cheap items are made of plastic. Although they are resistant and do not fear humidity, their aesthetics sometimes leave something to be desired. Unless you find a model that stands out, their interest remains less.

In short, it is up to you to choose the material according to your needs, your tastes, and your budget.

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