How to Celebrate Halloween Safely During COVID-19 | The Odyssey Online
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How to Celebrate Halloween Safely During COVID-19

If you're celebrating Halloween this year, follow these safety precautions to avoid a COVID-19 infection.

How to Celebrate Halloween Safely During COVID-19

Depending on the state where you live, authorities may be discouraging any type of Halloween activity such as trick or treating or reunions, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you and your family decide to celebrate Halloween this year there are some safety precautions you can take not only to prevent a COVID-19 infection but also personal injuries.

Wear a Costume That Fits Right

Prevent slip, trips and falls by choosing a costume that is the right size for your child. Make sure that they're not dragging their costume and it doesn't block their visibility. Slip and falls can happen anywhere, even at home. If you've decided to go out trick or treating a bright and reflective costume or adding reflective tape to it can increase visibility at night and prevent a pedestrian or car accident.

Use a Face Mask

If you're planning on trick or treating at houses, wear a face mask. You can make it a part of your costume, but a costume mask is not a substitute for a cloth mask. Don't let children wear a costume mask over a cloth mask as it can make breathing more difficult.

Maintain a Safe Distance

When trick or treating, make sure you keep a distance of at least 6 feet between you and other trick or treaters and homeowners. Even when wearing a face mask try to keep a safe distance from people and make sure that you are constantly washing your hands or using hand sanitizer. Try to stay away from crowded places, if you see a group of trick or treaters at a house, wait until they leave before approaching.

Hand Out Candy Safely

To avoid having direct contact with people, consider setting up a treats area outside your home so that families and children can pick them up without face to face contact. You can have individually packed treat bags set up with a small hand sanitizing station where trick or treaters can disinfect their hands. If you are handing out treats in person, don't forget to wear a face mask. If your child collects candy from different houses, wipe down packages with a disinfecting wipe before they eat it. Make sure they also wash their hands before digging into their treats.

What to Do When Your Back Home

Before children eat their candy, make sure that you and everyone in your family washes their hands first. Wipe down candy wrappers with a disinfecting wipe before children eat them, throw away any candy that is not individually wrapped.

If you or a member of your household is at high risk for COVID-19, try to celebrate the holiday with an alternative activity such as:

  • Create a Halloween scavenger hunt inside your house.
  • Organize a virtual Halloween party with a costume contest.
  • Organize a virtual pumpkin carving day.
  • Have a Halloween movie night with your family.
  • Decorate inside and outside your house so children can feel part of the celebration.

Whichever way you decide to celebrate Halloween, make sure you keep your guard up and practice all the safety precautions your state's officials have released to prevent a COVID-19 infection.

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