Its too easy to get caught up in the antics and fun times when Halloween rolls around each year. From the costumes we wear to the parties we attend. However, 2020 has dealt many different cards that has plagued a yearly holiday favorite. So how do you have fun when there's nothing going on?
Solution 1-
Trick or Treating has been all but banned across the United states with the exception of small communities. That doesn't entirely mean that people will listen, but there will be a hefty amount of parents doing their best to make sure their kids have a good experience. How does one combat this problem? Well we can take a note from how other big celebrations have been organized this past year. High School Graduations were conducted via drive thru. While this is a step down from usual business it did provide closure for millions of High School students around the country as they finally secured their diploma. Trick or Treating can be the same way. Families can set up drive thru candy pick ups by their houses and have other families drive their kids around. Another way is to leave candy out on the porch and leave a note for a limit of candy that can be taken. It should be in the parents best interests to keep themselves and their kids social distanced.
Solution 2-
Parties are a common thing during Halloween both for children and adults. Its been largely agreed parties are not smart to have during this time for the exposure risk. That doesn't mean you can't have a good time. CDC and other health guidelines recommend that you should keep a group gathering to less than 10 people. Meaning you can have friends over just in a smaller setting. Friends and family can go as far as taking temperatures or even requiring masks for said get-to-togethers. Sure it'll be different then usual but its better to have a couple of friends over rather than none.
Solution 3-
Halloween movies are always a great time if you want a quiet evening. You can watch them from the comfort of your home or even a theatre. There are thousands of venues across that country that have provided drive-in movies for reasonable prices. So if you and your family aren't satisfied with a night inside you can look up drive-in venues in your area. Most of them are small non-profit organizations that are often in cooperation with the state. Make sure to look over the finer details of the venue to avoid any possible scam. Most venues will have a website and contacts that can confirm their authenticity. These events are great for a Halloween out of the house.
Solution 4-
Costume contests are being held online more so than pervious years. Many online events can be found on facebook or twitter. Participants can send in pictures and videos online to compete for a reward. This is the best course of action for those you have spent a long time on a handcrafted costume or costumes. With instant access to these events halloween lovers can now like and comment on their favorite piece of wardrobe and compete against others for a prize. Every post made is shared with other followers which can help gain a following if your a Halloween page on a social media platform.
There is still fun to be had this Halloween despite an already crazy year. Take party in any one of these activities and you'll find that their is still plenty of awesome, spooky memories to be made. Enjoy them with your friends and family and those closest to you. Keep safe and have a Happy Halloween!