Hello again fellow crazy cat lovers, it's me with yet another cat article! I am writing this because lately, my cat has been acting as if she's a tornado.
The other day I came home to my little bedroom trashcan spread out all over the floor. Walking into my bedroom, all I could think was how cute she is and how much fun she probably had while playing with the trash. I love her so much. However, while I'm sleeping, that's a whole different situation.
Most of the time she sleeps with me and doesn't run wild around my room, but there's always those nights where she can't seem to sit still. It's impossible to totally cat proof your bedroom or house, but I have found a few things that provide her fewer options when wanting to tear up my room.
1. Get trashcans with lids.
This one might've been obvious due to my story starting this article. Getting a trashcan with a lid for the kitchen is a no-brainer, but my cat spends most of her time in my room which has a very short open top trashcan(which will be changing soon). In order for your trash not to be attacked by a cat, I recommend a lid.
2. Hide any type of cord.
Phone cord, lamp cord, tv cord, laptop cord etc. Hide it!! These are one of the ultimate forms of entertainment for kitties... that may or may not be destroyed.
3. Put breakables in a safe place.
Things are easily, and I mean easily, knocked off of counters, nightstands, shelves, tables, anything. If I were you, I'd make sure breakable things are strategically placed to where they can't be tipped over.
4. Never leave food or drinks out... even on the counter.
Cats are capable of getting basically anywhere they want; they are agile and can jump... high. Cats will also eat or lick pretty much anything just like dogs. If you were planning on leaving a glass of water out on the counter for 5 minutes, I guarantee that by the time you get back, a cat will be enjoying it before you could.
5. Be aware of where you put your backpack or purse.
Cats are very attracted to things with strings attached to it. I can't leave my backpack or purse out in cat's reach overnight or else I will be woken up by Olive attacking the strings or finding things in my purse to play with.
Cats are great because they can entertain themselves while you're not home, but sometimes they mistake human objects for their toys and you come home to a mess!