As a kid I was bullied. From kids moving their chairs away to not sit near me, to being called medusa cause I was "so ugly I turned everyone into stone", to knowing that if I got chosen to go up to the board, people were gonna start laughing at me for one reason or another. When I got to college, the bullying stopped. It got better, I became confident, and I watched the people that once bullied me change into adults.
As I look around now, I realize how much hate there is in the world. People are so opposed to anyone that's different than them. Someone at work told me she was not okay with anyone being gay. She said that girls should not buy boys clothes. But why? What makes you view the world like this? Why must you have an opinion on other peoples lives? If what someone decides to buy has so much effect on your life, you must be doing something wrong. If you must have these opinions keep them to yourself.
There is still racism in the world. I hear people in the streets talking about sending people "back" to other countries, and I watch the racism spewing from my television as the presidential debates occur. I read in the news every day how another person has been murdered due to racism. When will this end? When will people stop thinking that different is bad?
I'm not claiming to be a perfect person. I'm not saying I've never judged anyone, or thought differently of people who do things that I don't agree on, but the world would be a much better place if we just stopped letting other peoples choices bother us. People are taking their own lives, because of the lack of support they have in this world. You could be the one to make a difference, and save a life, just by being there and giving your full support. If we support everyone's choices in life no matter what, we can stop all of the hate in the world.
Love, is love. Love everyone no matter what. If you share the love you have in your heart with other people, they'll have more love to share as well.