Have you ever had moments where you think, "How in the world is anyone friends with me?" Well, you probably have some great qualities that are rare to find in today's hyped up society filled with frienemies.
And if you never had any of these moments, then I'm here to help you out by explaining how to best friend.
1. Find your person
This doesn't mean literally finding a person and saying, "Ok, this is now my person. I love my person. I shall name you Person." Because that's creepy, right? You need to have a friend where you already have an awesome chemistry with. They are the person that will laugh at things you say when you're trying to be funny or they share their Google Doc for next week's exam with you. Yeah, if they do that, be that person's best friend, because that's like, really nice.
2. Find common grounds
They've had a decade long crush on Justin Bieber, too? They have dog children? They love drunk Facebook stalking your ex with you? They love buying you coffee without even thinking about it? Damn, Daniel that's awesome.
3. Be honest with them
"Yes, actually your boyfriend is a complete douchebag." "No, I don't want to date your brother." "Yes, I l lied about that because he's super hot." "You're being a bitch. It's ok, I'm PMSing, too."
4. Social media
You see that she doesn't have a lot of likes on Insta that the names are still appear? You best like the shit out of her hipster ass picture of her ascai bowl with calligraphy in the background. He took a selfie and you can still see that week old moldy pizza in the background? You best Facetime him right quick and tell him to take it down. #yourewelcome
5. Live together
Haven't you watched Friends? It's incredible. Seriously.
Actually, I'm not being a good friend to you by saying that. It actually sucks sometimes so that's up to your discretion. I'm not going to force this one. But, listen to the other ones I promise it will work.
Though friends will enter and leave your life, don't ever think it wasn't worth the time you had together. There's different seasons of each person's life and sometimes specific people are suppose to be there during those times. Friendship is something that is a gift that we all take for granted.
So, here's to you the high school best friends group, and you the college roommates, and you the coworkers with the mutual hatred for your boss. May all your friendships be loyal, supportive and fucking insane.