For some reason, girls go nuts about wearing a fraternity's letters. It's actually insane. Since this position can only belong to a select few ladies, here are some tips for those girls who are dying to represent and show love to "their favorite men on campus."
Enough with the cupcakes and brownies
If you really love your favorite men on campus, don’t bake for them. Whip up a nice salad or something that won’t clog our arteries. If you really love them, an entree for the guys that live in the house would do just as well. But seriously, cool it with the sweets. The cupcakes you made with icing of that house’s colors are going to end up on the ceiling. Hint: pasta is a fun one.
Relax on social media
Some innocent brother graciously connected his phone to his fraternity’s Twitter account and Instagram account. So, for the love of God, please don’t blow up his phone. Side note: I am that brother. If we see that all of your social media is us, we’ll think you’re crazy. There’s a fine line between loving a group of guys and being completely obsessive. Remember, sweetheart is only a title for a year, not for life.
Hang out sober
Don’t get me wrong, if you’re the type of girl that hangs with guys until 6 in the morning, great, but if you’re only at the house on the weekends, you should at least buy some pizza so we have some sort of memory of you. People forget the kind of impact of soberly hanging out, and what it truly means to others. Our livers can only last so long, so we need some distinct memories of you so we know who we want to represent us.
Be nice to the other girls
Our house isn’t your territory, it’s ours. Being a sweetheart is almost like being a brother with a slight anatomical difference. Greet the people that come through our doors on Saturday nights. If some rando is giving you a hard time, come find us so we take care of them and not have to kick you out too. No one wants a territorial mother bear watching over on the weekends. It’s terrifying to see you chase girls out of our house, which leads me to the next point.
Be a wing woman
An overlooked duty of a sweetheart is to help us out with our game when you see us losing our game to copious amounts of pitchers, forgetting her name or even falling asleep standing up. Look for these signs at any time the sun goes down, and swoop in and take recruitment skills to the next level. Even help out that pledge in the corner, because everyone deserves to have a good night. We’ll make sure to thank you in the morning with some Dunkin' or full-on breakfast.