Remember when you were a little kid and someone asked you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And you look at that person with bewildered eyes because you realize the possibilities are limitless and you could really be anything you ever wanted. You say something dumb like “a dragon” and they laugh and pat you on the head and go, “Oh how cute, you little child person, you.”
If you did that now, they would look at you weird and say something like “Susan, you are about to graduate college, what in the world are you talking about?” or “Um, I’m gonna refer you to someone that I think you should talk to and I think it’s important that you do.”
I always wondered why people tell us to be realistic. Okay, being a dragon is a little out there but why can’t we still dream the way we did when we were kids? Why can’t our eyes light up with the endless possibilities that once seemed to tangible? Because some of us growing up really believed that we could become dragons and princesses. We did believe we could become the next president or the next superman. Why can’t we anymore? What happens to us when we grow up that we lose the spark within us?
The world is scary and it’s full of scary things. But just because it’s scary doesn’t mean we should lie down and just die. We can’t just shut down our dreams and turn off our light like that. We can’t let the world stop us from dreaming our dreams. We have to stop shutting people down when they tell us their dreams. Who care if it sounds outrageous? Isn’t that beautiful, though? The way their eyes still light up and the way their voices are filled with excitement. The way you know that they really are dedicated to their dreams and not to society’s rules of settling. Life isn’t about going to college, getting a decent job, getting married, having children, then dying. Life is whatever you want it to be. There are no set guidelines to life. I don’t know why we keep thinking there are. We keep checking off these imaginary boxes on checklist that we have no idea who came up with.
I hate it when people say, “Be realistic.” I am. I will not stop until my dreams become a reality. That’s the point of life. We can’t just settle for something and live miserable lives, working a job we hate with people we don’t even like. Why did you even go to college?
College is when people ask you, “So what do you want to be?” And you can answer with anything. It’s like being a kid again. We go to college because we want to pursue our dreams because we don’t want to be stuck at a lame ass job that makes us miserable and tired. Life is an adventure and you need to go live it. You went to college because you wanted to be someone, are you that someone? Don’t sit around, complaining that life isn’t fair and that your dreams aren’t realistic enough. I don’t care. Neither are mine but that shouldn’t stop anyone from doing what they love. You are better than that and you know it.
So if you want to become a dragon, you go do some weird genetics stuff and become a dragon. (But please for the safety of the children, don’t become a dragon. Think of the children.)
You go out there and you change the world like you always wanted to. Push for the childlike wonder that you had back when you were younger. Don’t lose that spark. Life isn’t about checking off boxes. Just live whatever life you want. Be happy. That’s all you can do for yourself. It’s your life. No one else’s. Yours. What a concept, I know. Live your dreams because you deserve it. Never give up on your dreams. Never stop living your life with that childlike wonder you used to have. Follow your dreams. Follow them like they are your favorite celebrities on Instagram and like all their posts because you're like, "YAS KWEEEEEN," at everything they do.