Your illusions will always find ways to seep in through any aspect of your life, whether its relationships or work. If you’re lying to yourself, you’re most likely delaying some kind of growth in your being.
You usually don’t even realize that you’re lying. You might see it as holding something off, or suppressing a certain emotion, or lashing out on somebody who you’re extremely close to. But really, those are things us humans engage in when our communication is lacking. We end up zoning off into this auto-piloted persona and engage in things mindlessly. We stop doing things for ourselves and cater to everyone but us. In turn, we get angry at life for not going how we want.
I think this world is full of millions upon millions of different kinds of people. Some are gold plated and others are gold minded. Those who are gold plated usually go through life getting most opportunities handed to them, whereas the gold minded are able to literally have nothing and say, “Wait, this is something, let me see what I can do to make it work.”
These are the people who will thrive to the highest extent. Not the ones who have corporate big boy jobs where fat wallets are their only motivation, but the people who raised themselves up from the pure belief and trust in themselves, nothing else.
We all have one thing in common: we’re human. And humans are emotional. So emotional that we’re willing to put aside our heart’s wants and needs for others; others that might not always be deserving of our time, yet are almost dictators of it. A majority of people will allow it to happen, thinking they can put whatever it is off for another time. The issue is, we think we have time.
I think that every single day, a majority of humans tell themselves the lie, “I have time.” I’m here to tell you, NO, you don’t. Neither this moment nor the next is guaranteed. So why the hell wait to give yourself the time and dedication you give so freely to other people? That’s the key to self-love. We think we have to be responsible for others, but we need to learn how to be responsible of ourselves, and listen to our hearts before we can ever listen to or connect with another.
We’re eternally dictated by this man-made, hard to wrap your head around concept. So why not take control of how you spend it? And if you find yourselves trapped in someone else's web, untangle yourself because you always have the choice to. If there’s a will, there’s a way.
When I was younger, I would work to succeed for other people. I'd want to make my parents or siblings proud. Or I wouldn't want to disappoint them, or for them to judge me. I never allowed myself to be comfortable with what I wanted in life because other people felt different things. And I allowed that to dictate my path because I didn't know any better. When I still found myself unhappy, I dug deeper and realized I was lying to and cheating myself of the fullest potential I had.
Things will truthfully never go the exact way anyone wants, period. So let’s eliminate that from the spectrum of possibilities. At the end of the day, we are all born into our own fates by chance, but if we don’t learn how to use this resource of a life we’ve been given to work towards what our soul strives for, we’re just dying.
We are here for a purpose. Not one purpose is the same; each person has their own. It’s up to them to be truthful and confident enough with themselves to go out there and grab it. I don’t care if you fail every single time; at least you tried. If we don’t, there is no one to blame or be angry with but ourselves. Failure will teach us more than success ever will because it wakes us up.