Things like, "Are you getting enough protein?" "Oh it must be so hard!" and "What do you eat?" are all typical questions vegetarians and vegans get daily. There are many misconceptions that come along with being vegetarian or vegan (veg). Overall, being vegan or vegetarian is a healthier and more humane way of living. I know that going veg can be a little intimidating, especially in college, but it's a lot simpler than you think! Here are some easy ways to turn your lifestyle into something new:
1. Not your mom, not your milk! Choose dairy free.
url 50% more calcium in soy)
2. Get your protein in.
This is the typical concern that people have about going vegetarian and vegan. Here are some yummy foods that contain protein: chia seeds, quinoa, soy beans/product, hemp seed, eggs (vegetarian option: free range), hummus, spinach, oatmeal, trail mix, beans, granola, yogurt (vegetarian), tofu, peanut butter and nuts.
3. Pump the iron.
It's important to consume enough iron. Meats contain hem and plants contain non-hem. Iron plays an important role in energy and other health roles. Foods containing iron include leafy greens, spinach, beans (lima or chickpea), dried apricots, baked potato, nuts, dried fruit and noodles/rice.
4. Find out your options on campus.
Search around campus and find which dining halls and restaurants have the best vegan and vegetarian options. With an understanding of what foods you can eat, it's easy to eat on campus! If dining halls don't have much to offer, don't be afraid to take a quick trip to the store and purchase your own food to keep in your mini fridge.
5. Don't forget about the fruit.
Fruit often gets forgotten about since the titles start with a V for vegetable. Fruits are tasty and healthy! The right fruit can even be substituted for a dessert, although vegan desserts are just as good.
6. Pick your favorites!
Start collecting recipes or finding your favorite meals that way when the hanger hits you know just want to have.
Don't be intimidated. It's so easy! By living a veg lifestyle, you'll help so many animals and make healthy choices. There are many vegan and vegetarian options out there—you aren't as limited as you think.