There's nothing wrong with being a slut.
Being promiscuous, a 'hoe,' or whatever you want to call it. If you're safe about it, what's the harm in being as sexually experienced as you choose? If men can brag about how many girls they've been with, why can't women do the same? Women are expected to be pure, and when we're a little less than, we're shamed and looked down upon.
But I've learned that there are worse things to be called than a slut. Trying to use that term in a derogatory way says a lot more about the person using it than the so-called slut. Your sexual life, or lack of, is for you to decide. Don't feel bad about yourself because of ignorant and entitled individuals.
It's OK to be a slut. The word doesn't have to be an insult. Just be smart and safe about it.
First, always use protection. No ifs, ands, or buts: it is irresponsible and dangerous not to. Unwanted pregnancies and STD's are no joke. Sleep around as much as you want. It's your choice. But the important thing is to realize actions have consequences. So wear a damn condom, at least.
Second, be aware of what you're getting yourself into. If you're about to have sex with one of your good friends, take the time to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Will this ruin the friendship? What does sex mean to me? What does sex mean to both of us? Or, if you're about to sleep with someone you hardly know, will this affect the way you see yourself? Will you wake up with regrets? The answers to these questions depend on the person. There are no right or wrong answers. Being aware of the kind of person you are will help your self-esteem in the long run. Know yourself.
Third, always, always know that your sexual life does not have to define you. Your sex life is not your only life. The stigma behind sex in today's society can be intimidating. Women in today's culture are highly sexualized, yet when a woman comes out and says how much she loves sex, she's scrutinized. Women just can't win. So I say screw society.
I can be a successful, educated woman and still have a strong sexual appetite around if I so choose.
I can be a lawyer, teacher, businesswoman, physicist and have lots of sex with lots of people.
You can call me a whore, you can call me easy, you can call me whatever helps you sleep at night. But it's not going to affect my sex life, and it's not going to decrease my self-worth.