These days, it seems almost impossible to go on any social media without ending up reading some status, tweet, comment or caption that is disrespectful, insensitive or just plain mean.
Some will blame this on social media which seems to give people an outlet to hide behind their computers while starting fights or saying things they wouldn't say in person. But even though these people do use social media for this, we can't blame this on social media, we need to blame it on people who have seemed to have forgotten how to be respectful.
Here are some easy tips for those who have forgotten:
Stop getting offended by everything
There will be things that you don't agree with on social media. Everyone isn't going to agree on everything. Wether that be protecting planned parenthood funding, your stance on feminism or government policies.
But how does it harm you in any way if other people don't agree with you? The answer: it doesn't! So, stop letting it affect you and move on.
Just keep scrolling
Believe it or not, there is an option to not comment on other people's posts! You can just scroll right by them! Mind blowing, right?
If you have something worth while to add to the conversation, then go right ahead! But, if all you're going to say is "you're wrong", "you're opinion is embarrassing" or "how dare you even think this"; that's not contributing anything and it's not necessary.
Choose your words wisely
If you can't scroll past something because you're that passionate about it, think about what you're going to say before you say it. No one is going to take you seriously if you don't have a well written response.
Just telling someone they're wrong is not very convincing. Use facts. Don't insult. Think it through.
Utilize the golden rule
Let's go back to elementary school for a quick sec and let's treat others the way we want to be treated! Would you want people commenting on all of your posts, judging your opinions and telling you that you're constantly wrong? Probably not. Let's just try to not be mean to each other, okay?
Don't dish out what you can't take
If you're going to plaster your opinions on every post you come across, you can't get upset when people do the same to you. You are not the only one entitled to an opinion. If you want people to listen to you, you need to listen to them.