Somehow I was able to fix my schedule in a way that allows me to only have classes two days a week. While this is great and allows me a lot of free time, it is sometimes hard to be productive on those days that I do not have class. Here are some tips that I have found useful:
1. Cross Small Things Off First
If you are anything like me, I make a "to-do" list most days and the big, important projects on the list can seem extremely daunting. However, when I can quickly cross off the smaller items on the list, it alleviates some of the stress and makes me feel like I've accomplished something. Therefore, completing the bigger tasks seems more manageable.
2. Caffeinate
What is an article about productivity without coffee? I know that caffeine is addictive and therefore I should stray away from drinking coffee, however coffee has become apart of my productivity routine. Oops!
3. Set-up a Reward System
It may sound juvenile, but setting up a reward system for accomplishing tasks works. I usually like to work for a good chunk of time, perhaps 30-45 minutes and then reward myself with a break. What you do on this break is up to you, you could watch a YouTube video, take a power-nap, etc. but limiting your breaks to about 10 minutes makes sure you don't get sucked into the vortex that is binge-watching shows on Netflix. My personal favorite break time activity is having a little dance party to throwbacks; it boosts your mood and wakes you up quite quickly!
4. Hide Your Phone
This one sounds obvious, but it one of the hardest to execute if we are honest. As a generation, for the most part, we are addicted to our phones. I know that when I have my phone out on my desk while trying to do work, I end up scrolling on Pinterest for an hour, NOT GOOD. So, try leaving your phone on silent and putting it across the room so that you can't see it OR hear it go off. It works wonders!