I catch myself trying to figure out how to be prettier, skinnier, nicer, funnier, and whatever else I feel would make me better. I want perfection basically and I expect it of me. I have finally figured out the secret. It's been staring me right in the face this whole time. I'm gonna share it with you guys!
How to be perfect:You can't be.
Crazy, right?? Yep, that's it! No more comparing yourself to other people and wishing you could be like them. Who defines our idea of perfect anyhow? We have this silly idea that perfection is physical or materialistic. The world, society, fads all decide what's "perfect" and we let them convince us of it. Stop losing sleep because you can't fit into a size 0 or because you have brown eyes and not blue. You, my dear, are the perfect version of you and one of a kind, might I add.
The Lord has fearfully and wonderfully made every single one of us. He sees beauty in us that we can't begin to fathom. We are called His masterpieces. The God that created the heavens and the earth knows you by name. He formed you and He loves you beyond what our minds can comprehend. The Bible says we are His workmanship(Eph. 2:10 KJV). You are beautiful in the Heavenly Father's eyes...who needs a worldly approval?
I know it's so easy to get distracted by the secular things that surround us each day. We want to be popular, fit in, be accepted. But, realize that you are! You are popular to Jesus. He knows your name and everything about you. You fit in with Jesus. He wants to be you friend and He will be the greatest friend you'll ever have. You are accepted by Jesus. Have you accepted Him?
We will never be perfect on this earth. Be yourself and know that God sees true beauty in you. But perfection is unreachable. We are all sinners who need a Savior, Jesus. He was perfect as he walked this earth, lived a sinless life, and died on a cross so that we may have salvation through Him if we choose to accept it. Jesus is perfect. He is holy. And He loves you. You are His handiwork, His creation.
So, okay, you can't be perfect but you are a daughter of the King of Kings. You are a real princess. Society should stop determining how you look at yourself. Don't let Satan's lies steal your joy by making you feel less than. Wake up, put your spiritual crown on, and let the love of Jesus shine through you. Don't get caught up in trying to be perfect by the world's standards. You have a perfect Father in Heaven that wants to use you for His glory. You are beautiful to Him.