Ladies, it's time to have a talk. You ready? Here goes.
Stop kissing frogs.
That's right. Stop lowering your expectations and kissing frogs in the hopes doing so will make you a princess.
My dear, you already are one.
If a guy is into you, and you don't reciprocate the feeling, kindly friend zone him. Emphasis on kindly. You don't need to be harsh, but you also do not need to be leading him on. If you don't, in the end both of you will end up hurt. To quote Sadie Robertson, "Five seconds of awkward can save you from a lifetime of regret."
How true this statement is.
Do what you need to do, and once it's over you will feel relieved knowing you did the right thing. You can feel proud that you didn't settle. Now, don't get me wrong, they may be great, but if you aren't into them, but are into the idea of having someone, please don't go there. Don't do that to yourself. Just wait and save your heart for the right guy that makes your heart flutter, turns your cheeks pink talking to them, and most importantly loves you second only to God and his family. The more pieces of your heart you give away, the less you will have to give to your husband on your wedding day. You are too precious and beautiful to settle.
God has someone for you, all you need to do is be patient and let Him bring that amazing person to you. Ready yourself so that when he does come you will be prepared to meet your prince. God has made you a beautiful, priceless, amazing woman. Use the lonely times to draw closer to God and your friends. Enjoy the times of being single. Use those times to learn lessons and grow. Don't let days go by with the wrong person just to have company, and don't give away your heart like it can be replaced. It can't. The guys you may want to give your heart to may not even deserve it in the first place. You are a princess that deserves to be treated like one.
Jesus didn't make you trash to be thrown away or mis-handled, He made you a priceless jewel that should be treated as such. I know sometimes it can be hard to feel that way. You have times of loneliness and disappointment. I know there are days when you feel less than what you are. Be encouraged, you're not alone, and you are not your feelings. What matters is knowing how God feels about you.
He knows what's best for you and He created you. He made you to be your beautiful self and give the world what you have to offer. You can't do that, though, if you're kissing every frog that hops into your pond. Darling, wait. Hold off. Save yourself, your feelings, and your innocence for the guy that will cherish and protect you.
Please don't settle for the frog. All you'll get is a wart.