That wonderful back to school season is upon us once again (please notice my sarcasm). Which means it's time for me to get my life together (aka get organized).
Usually the first few weeks of school I am on top of things but slowly and surely... I end up writing my 8-page paper the night before it's due (not joking but hey I passed the class). My goal this year is to just stop procrastinating because it gets me nowhere, except a whole lot of stress. And I know what you are thinking 'I don't need these tips because I work better under pressure' but trust me you do. It'll make your life so much easier.
1. Use some sort of plannerÂ
GiphyThis can be the free planner you got at the activities fair (shoutout to passion planner), the google calendar in your phone, or any sort of planner app. The point is to have class time, appointments, due dates scheduled in so you are more organized and know where you have to be every day.
2. Block out time for studyingÂ
GiphyBlocking out time for studying into your schedule really makes you sit down and do it when you see it in there. It's so easy to just say "I'll study later" and end up pulling an all nighter because you didn't realize how late it got.
3. Use a Pomodoro Time Tracker
GiphyBasically this is a study method in which you study for 25 min, and then get a 5 or 10 min break. There are websites such as TomatoTimer , that allow you to pick how much time to work for and how long your break will be. From personal experience it really does help you and motivate you to getting your work done and look forward to your break.
4. Reward YourselfÂ
GiphyWhen you've worked/ studied for a designated amount of time, reward yourself with watching 10 min of your favorite show or eating your favorite snack. It's a way to keep you motivated and looking forward to getting your work done in a healthy way.
5. Set Realistic GoalsÂ
GiphyI know sometimes at the moment I feel super motivated and like I can conquer the world. But this usually leads me to believe I can accomplish all the 17373 things I have to get done. So take it step-by-step and be realistic about what you can accomplish in the next hour or in the next day without burning yourself out. And you can put a big ole check next to everything you finish.
6. Multitask efficientlyÂ
GiphyThe keyword here is EFFICIENTLY! You know yourself better than anyone else. So if you can listen to that audiobook in your morning commute then that's lit but if you can't figure out what multitasking works for you. It's all about finding out what works for you without it overwhelming you.
7. Listen to some motivating musicÂ
GiphySometimes you're in that slump when you just want to lay in your bed and do nothing but have all this work to get done. So listen to some jams that wake you up and dance it out or karaoke it out to get your blood pumping and your energy high so that you can conquer your workload.
8. Clean your workspace
GiphyFor me, this is usually my desk or my room. Cleaning my workspace just helps me focus more because everything just feels more organized. Having a messy desk doesn't make you look forward to spending time in it, so clean it out. You can even get some cute stationery, so that inspires you and motivates you.
9. Get into the work mindsetÂ
GiphyTake a deep breath and take a moment to just get ready for the work that is ahead of you. And be positive about it. Just tell yourself, 'girl it's gunna be a long day of studying but you is a strong independent women who can do it all," and trust me it'll get you motivated.
10. The hard part is starting but once you do, YOU GOT THIS!Â
GiphyTrust me, I know that putting your favorite TV showdown to start studying statistics is hard! But once you get into the swing of things it gets way easier. And once you're in the zone, no one can stop you! So go finish that work or studying you have to do and get things done!