2. You aren't surrounding yourself with the right people | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

12 Reasons Being Positive Never Works For You

Daily positivity is everything but easy, but it is not impossible.

12 Reasons Being Positive Never Works For You

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Positivity is a hard thing to achieve, but the important thing is to admit that it's more than ok to start from scratch.

1. You're a realist

This is not a bad trait to have. It means you can expect things that might not be ideal before they happen to you. But, don't forget that it's okay to dream. It's okay to envision a future for yourself that is unlike your present life. Set your goals high, even if it seems like you'll never reach them. You might surprise yourself.

2. You aren't surrounding yourself with the right people

The world is full of good people. They don't show them on the news or talk about them in social media enough, but they are everywhere. Go out and make a new friend—you won't regret trying.

3. You constantly speak to yourself negatively

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Instead of calling yourself an 'idiot' when do something silly, try instead to laugh it off and say 'I'm so hilarious." When you decide not to do your makeup for class one day and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror instead of saying to yourself 'wow I look awful', tell yourself 'I'm beautiful just the way I am.'

4. You don't allow yourself to move on from the past

You cannot constantly be looking backward if you want to move forward. Leave the past in the past and hold your chin up high. What's ahead of you is much more important than what's behind you.

5. You don't appreciate the little things

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When someone smiles at you in the hallway or compliments your new shoes its okay for it to have meant a lot to you. If your slightly intoxicated friend texts to make sure you got home safely, its okay to smile about it. Appreciate the little things, even when the big things might not have panned out the way you wanted them to.

6. You aren't celebrating every tiny victory

Did you get out of bed this morning? Take your dog out even though it was freezing cold? Drink water when you wanted a soda? Do a load of laundry? These are all important victories. It is so healthy to praise yourself for doing things that promote self-care. You don't need a glittery bath bomb in order to feel good about yourself.

7. You aren't spending enough time outside


The sun will work WONDERS for your positivity. It will help your eyes relax from looking at a computer screen all day, boost your serotonin levels to help lift that little weight off your shoulders, and the fresh air will help you be thankful for every breath.

8. You don't realize how much you've overcome

Remember all of those times you didn't think you would come out on the other side? You did. You've survived 100% of your worst days. Give yourself a little love (or a lot).

9. You're not taking it day by day

Each day, Jesus is going to put us through a series of trials. Some days will be much easier for us to navigate than others, but regardless we have to be thankful for the opportunity we are given when we wake up each morning.

10. You think pessimism is cool

I'd like to move away from middle school ideals if we could, please. Being pessimistic gets you precisely nowhere and only brings down the people around you from trying to be positive. Get a grip and realize that if not everything goes your way, it's going to be a-okay.

11. You don't realize the support system you have around you


We all know in the back of our heads that we have some great people that will show up when we need them the most. Recently, I've been through something that has put that theory to the test, and man did my people show up and show out. Try not to lose sight of the fact that you are so loved.

12. You don't cut yourself enough slack

If you are late to class a few times or accidentally forget to call your Mom back when you said you would, it is not the end of the world as we know it. You aren't going to flunk out and your Mom will be happy to hear from you whenever you decide to call. Take a breath, and remember that you're human.

I'm rooting for you. Please try and root for yourself, too.

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2. You will feel like an adult but also feeling like a child.

3. You will have classes that are just the professor reading from their lecture slides for an hour.

4. You will need to study but also want to hang out with your friends.

5. Coffee is your best friend.

6. You don't know what you're doing 99% of the time.

7. You will procrastinate and write a paper the night before it is due.

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19. You actually have to go to class.

20. Enjoy it, because you will be sad when it is all over.

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