In our world today it can seem hard to be a decent person. We see bad stuff everywhere and all the time. There are bad people and good people.
Recently I have fallen in love with Luke Bryan's song "Most People Are Good." In the song, he talks about how if we just go by the nightly news our faith in mankind might be all but lost.
I believe he is absolutely right. Sometimes even when everything seems absolutely awful we have to find the silver lining in things.
Also, some people just don't have the same hearts as others. While some people like to say their heart isn't as big as someones else's that is not entirely the truth. The point is it doesn't take much to be a decent person.
It doesn't take much to send a text, snapchat, or call someone just to see how they've been. I am world's worst about not talking to someone every day, but when I think about it I text them or make some kind of initiative to talk to them immediately.
Even though you make think all people are bad and just want to hurt you. That is not the truth. You just have to find those diamonds in the rough. I sometimes get discouraged because I want everyone to be decent and to make an effort. However, we all know that no human is the same, not even identical twins.
Some days we lose the battle in decency but on others, we win.
On the days you lose you cannot get discouraged and get down and think everyone is a terrible human. You have to be that positive light in their life because maybe you are the only person that is positive in their life.
Always remember no matter how awful people can be there are lights out there and the world needs them. Maybe just maybe if enough light gets through we can actually make this world a better place.
Also just listen to "Most People Are Good" when you need to be reminded to be a good person. Always know it's the best to be positive and it may seem easy to be negative but don't be. Be positive and never let anyone take that away from you.