Spread the love for the planet with these 10 eco-friendly tips everyone can use!
1. Don't use disposable dishes.
Instead of using plastic silverware, consider using bamboo instead! Try not to use paper plates, since once they are contaminated with food they cannot be recycled, so they still end up in landfills (where it takes a long time for anything to biodegrade.) Consider using these sugarcane plates instead. Or just use reusable dishes/cutlery.
2. Invest in reusable bottles and cups.
Please, stop buying plastic water bottles! There are tons of options for reusable water bottles online. This also applies to reusable coffee cups. Starbucks will even give you $0.10 discount on your drink when you use a reusable cup.
3. Buy pre-used items.
Pre-used furniture, clothes, decor, so on. This also goes for when you decide to do your spring cleaning, have a garage sale or take your items to a consignment store so someone else can use it!
4. Use canvas bags for groceries.
There are reusable bags for just about everything! There are even reusable bags for produce!
5. Invest in reusable straws.
Studies show by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Buy some reusable straws!
6. Buy locally grown produce.
Going to the farmers market is fun! Plus, it's always a good feeling to support local business. This website will even help you find local farmers.
7. Walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation.
Not only will you save money on gas but you also help to reduce the environmental impact of cars.
8. Use eco-friendly cleaning products.
There are a lot of harsh chemicals in cleaning products, so consider using something a little more eco-friendly. This website helps to lay out several sustainable options!
9. Volunteer.
Contribute to a community garden, plant a tree, organize a park clean up, help out a state or national park, the list goes on! You also get to spend time in nature which is good for your soul so it's a win win.
10. Educate others.
One person can make a difference. Once you implement changes into your life you can educate others to make similar changes, and it all starts to add up. Love the earth, people!