1. Make time for you to look/feel human.
Attitude will always be the biggest thing. You should remember to take at least a little time to get yourself together before you leave your house in the morning.
2. Try to wear your hair low, instead of high.
It takes a lot more effort to make a high bun not look like a disaster than a cute low bun, that usually looks way more polished to begin with.
3. Make sure your clothes are ironed.
Try doing this the night before, or if your extra lazy take them with you and hang them up while you shower so you can steam your clothes while your rinsing your body :)
4. Don't dye your hair a crazy color if you can't keep up with it.
It takes a lot of effort to keep a deep magenta toned just the way you like it. It's much too easy to let yourself look like a bad middle school "scene-kid" throwback photo.
5. Basics are probably your best route.
For most days, anyway. At least then you can always look polished and not throw together things that you only just realized don't work.
6. Make sure your underwear/bra are up to date and are nice quality.
If your underwear or bra is showing in an unflattering way, the whole look is ruined. Plus, it'll take a lot of pressure off your back and shoulders if you wear one that fits.
7. Seriously, don't wear sweatpants outside in public.
Unpopular opinion but honestly, come on, really?