Going throughout life you encounter many different types of people. When I meet someone unfriendly I often wonder 'why'? Why is it so difficult to be nice? How did they get like that?
The sayings "it takes more energy to be mean than to be nice" and "it takes more muscles to frown than smile" couldn't be more right.
It is so much easier to be friendly and treat people with kindness than to say something rude and hurt someone's feelings.
I'll admit... when I'm in a bad mood I can get a little snippy. And I'm definitely not preaching happiness and positivity all of the time because I know that is unrealistic... it's our human nature to be a little moody every now and then.
But, with that said, you can be more mindful of how you approach situations. It can be as simple as thinking before you speak or walking away when you know nothing sweet will leave your mouth.
Kindness not only makes others feel good but also makes you feel good when you give it. I don't know about you but I get so happy when I see others smile because of what I said to them. Complimenting one another is such a simple gesture but a great one.
I know when I receive a compliment or nice saying, it makes my entire day better.
So... think about it... it is so easy to make others happy so shouldn't we be doing it more often? I think yes.
You'll never really know why others can be mean or are unfriendly but you can always think about yourself and how you will treat others.
The more love this world gives the more love everyone will receive. And like The Beatles said, "All we need is love" right?
So all I'm saying is don't be a Regina George, be kind and be yourself. You DO have an impact on this world, so use it.
Much love XOXO