Over the past few weeks, I have learned so many positive coping skills for dealing with mental illness. There are so many of them I implement into my everyday life now, and I cannot even begin to explain how great I feel now. It is great knowing that I am now control of my mental illness, but many people are still suffering. There are so many people who do not know how to cope, or they cope in negative ways. They get stuck in the same cycle, and some feel as if there is no way out. With being a psychology major, I cannot wait to be a therapist so that I can share all the things I have learned with my clients. I believe that everyone struggling with a mental illness should have access to coping skills, and that is why I am providing all of you with the skills you need to help control and cope with your struggles.
1. Incorporate the use of mindfulness into your everyday life.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines mindfulness as "the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis." When practicing mindfulness you need to focus on one thing at a time, such as what is going on around you in your environment. You also need to be focused in on your thoughts and feelings. While thinking about what is going on in the current moment your thoughts should not dwell on the past or future because we are focusing solely on the now. This also means that during our day we should not be just going through the same motions because we have to or being on autopilot. A great example of being on autopilot is driving somewhere we frequently visit, and when we arrive forgetting the drive because we mindlessly drove because we have been there so many times. When trying new things, do not bring any preconceived notions into the mix because they take away the ability to truly experience something. In doing away with preconceived notions, so that we can be nonjudgmental, we also need to stop labeling things in our lives as good or bad. My favorite thing about mindfulness is that it can be practiced at any point in our day, such as when we breathe, think, eat, wash dishes, cook, shower, walk, drive, and listen to music.
2. Know your triggers.
Triggers are events that have the potential to increase symptoms of your mental illness. They can be having a failing grade, too many assignments, long periods of isolation, a breakup, or the death of someone close.
3. Have a plan on what you can do after being triggered to prevent the symptoms from becoming even more serious.
Positive ways to cope after being triggered include venting, deep breathing, taking a nap, exercising, hiking, reading, and coloring.
4. Know what early warning signs you exhibit that hint things may get worse.
These signs include isolating, insomnia, sleeping too much, crying spells, hallucinations, worsening depression, paranoia, and neglecting personal hygiene.
5. Know what daily activities you can and cannot do while struggling with increased symptoms.
Its important to know what activities you can do without the feeling of overwhelming yourself. Overloading yourself with too many tasks can add stress, which will cause things to get worse quickly.
6. Know the signs and symptoms of things getting worse, and how to reduce the reactions to these feelings.
Signs and symptoms can include racing thoughts, spacing out, body tremors, worsening depression, extreme mania, panic attacks, catatonic phases, psychosis, hallucinations, substance abuse, binging or purging, thoughts or actions of self harm, thoughts or suicide, and homicidal thoughts.
7. Have a crisis plan.
Your crisis plan is initiated when you meet a specific criteria of symptoms that indicate when somebody else has to take over and be fully responsible for your care, as well as making decisions for you. There should be a list of contacts, their relationship to you, their phone number, and what roles or tasks they need to in order to help you. There should also be a lost of people you do not want involved in your treatment. You also need to specify what medications you currently take, what medications you would prefer to take if a change were to happen, what medications you are accepting of and willing to take, and a list of medications you need to avoid or refuse to take. There should be a clear statement of what types of therapies you will or will not try. You should also make clear what your community can do for you while you are being treated so that you feel safe. A detailed list of what triggers your symptoms to worsen, as well as who can help you as well. You should have a reference list of treatment facilities you will and will not commit yourself too. Finally, there should be a statement saying when not to use the plan, and accompanied with reasons to support it.