How To Achieve Boujee Health On A Very Much Not-Boujee Budget | The Odyssey Online
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How To Achieve Boujee Health On A Very Much Not-Boujee Budget

Sex dust, algae lattes, adaptogen moisturizer... do I need it? Probably not. Do I want it? Absolutely YES!

How To Achieve Boujee Health On A Very Much Not-Boujee Budget

I don't know about you guys but I have a sick obsession with all things wellness. Remember Patrick Bateman's extensive self-care regime? That's me, except for the killing people part.

I contribute this obsession to when I transitioned to a plant-based diet. I started actively thinking about the foods I was putting into my body, and that led me to think about the products I was using on my body. Now, four years later I avoid parabens like the plague and refuse all things good. (Like Redbull vodka, all-nighters, and french fries. SOB!) Instead, I prioritize sleep, soft skin, and slimness. The sacred 3 S's of s-s-self-care.

As with any great deed, comes great sacrifice. Throughout my college years, my bank account suffered due to my wellness addiction. I was treating myself to hot yoga classes and green juices on the weekly instead of saving money. Now, looking back I wish I would have been financially smarter.

Thankfully, I'm older and now wiser. Through my wellness journey, I've collected a few money-saving tips.

1. Ditch the name brands

Many well-known health brands are super expensive (SunPotion and MoonJuice, I'm talking to you). What I like to do is find dupes of their products/make their products myself. You can typically find all the ingredients you need on Amazon or in health stores. Here are some examples:

MoonJuice sells a whole pantry worth of health products. To buy them all would be quite expensive, I'm talking over $500. Um..hella no! You can find most of the supplements and powders they're selling for much cheaper on Amazon. Here's a dupe for their ashwagandha powder. It's less than half the price of the original:

You can also find things like mushroom powder on Amazon. Mix some with coffee and you have a Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee dupe!

2. Make it yourself

Yes, turmeric lattes are my everything but buying one every morning is a good way to bust your budget. It's surprisingly easy to make it them yourself and much more affordable. Here's a 5 min recipe:

Obsessed with green juice? Invest in a juicer! Here's the one I use: It can be yours for the price of 7 juices, making for a great return of investment. Pro tip: watermelon makes for great juicing.

3. Fitness... To class, or pass?

To class: Call studios ahead of time and inquire about their class deals. I was able to take 5 reformer pilates classes for just $20! Talk about a steal. Most fitness studios will offer newbies deals so be sure to take advantage of them.

To Pass: Before you sign up for SoulCycle you need to be realistic about your budget. If you can't afford it, opt for your campus gym. It's free (aside from the college tuition you're paying) and most offer spin classes. If your campus gym doesn't have any classes, hop on an exercise bike by yourself and follow along to a spin video. You can find free ones on youtube.

Out of college, and can't afford a gym? Youtube! There are loads of fitness classes that you can watch for FREE. You don't have to leave your apartment to get your yoga on.

4. Lastly, TJ Maxx is your friend.

TJ Maxx is a godsend for wellness-ing on a budget. You can find essential oils, organic hair and skincare products, workout gear, and supplements like collagen powder for half the price you would find it at other stores. Plus, they have amazing candles you can use during your meditation sessions. #MentalWellnessWinning. So, make sure you use your local stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross to your wellness advantage.

Anyways, I'm off to make stevia sweetened lavender lemonade. I hope these tips helped. Good luck in your quest to having boujee health on a budget!

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