After four years worth of school and roommates, I've definitely learned a thing or two that bothers me about roommates. Don't be one of those roommates by following my advice below.
1. Keep common areas clean
Whether you are a clean freak, an absolute mess or anywhere in between, please keep common areas clean. Your private space can be a disaster zone if you'd like, but no one wants to come home to a messy living room.
2. Do your dishes
Leaving dishes in the sink for long periods of time is disgusting. You're a big kid now, mommy isn't going to come do your dishes for you. If your dishes are growing things, I think it's time to wash them.
3. Respect quiet hours
Please, don't stay up until 4:00 AM watching movies on full volume. Some people have 8:00 AM classes and need their sleep.
4. Put your laundry away
5. Ask to have company over
One or two people coming over is no big deal, but if you're going to have a whole party, ask permission or at least inform your roommates. They may have things they need to do in the morning and don't need people keeping them up late.6. Invite your roommates to your parties
Related to the last one, if you're having a party, invite your roommate! That way, they at least have an option. Don't tell them to stay in their room or leave. It's their apartment, too. They have every right to use it as they please.7. Smoke outside
If you're a smoker of any kind, do it outside. Some people don't want to smell it every time they walk in the house.8. Don't lie about your roommates on Facebook
You will get caught. Especially if you just had a text conversation because you misunderstood something and still go post lies on Facebook. You will get called out in front of all your friends.9. Don't steal
This should be obvious, but seriously, don't take things that aren't yours. I've had too many things stolen by roommates. Oh, you didn't steal my shirt? Then why did I see a picture of you in it on Facebook? Oh, you didn't take my umbrella that matched my boots? I guess it just magically disappeared then.10. No freeloaders
If someone needs a place to stay for a couple days, fine. If they're going to stay for a few months, they can pay rent. It's not fair that everyone else has to pay rent and someone who has a job is just staying on the couch. It's also not the most comfortable thing in the world when you live in an all female apartment and find there's a guy basically living on your couch.I'm begging you for your roommates' sake, don't be that roommate that does any or all of these. It makes for a terrible living experience. No one wants to deal with that.