As an actor and an avid theatre-goer, I've experienced all types of audience members. Here are some tips to on how to not be a terrible one!
1. Don't Talk!
The people sitting around you paid the same amount for their ticket as you did, and they paid to hear the actors talk, not you! Be respectful and keep conversations to a minimum. If you need to talk, excuse yourself to the lobby.
2. No Noisy Food
Crinkling candy wrappers and slurping drinks make it very hard for actors to hear themselves, and each other! You could also drown out the dialogue for those around you.
3. Put Your Phone Away
Please, please, PLEASE stay off your phones in the theatre. The actors have spent months of their time preparing to put on a show for you, so you can go about two hours without checking Facebook. The actors can see you, your fellow audience members now have light in their eyes, just don't do it. And make sure it's on silent! Nothing stabs an actor in the heart more than hearing foreign ringing during their scene or musical number.
4. No PDA, Please!
The theatre is a great place to take a date, but please keep the PDA to a minimum! Holding hands or an arm around the shoulders is fine, but if you start making out like you're in your living room at home I guarantee you will make everyone around you uncomfortable! And also, the actors CAN see you.
5. Stay In Your Seat
I understand that sometimes bathroom urges sneak up on you, but try to make sure all of that is taken care of before the show or at intermission, because otherwise you will end up crawling over people's laps to get out of your aisle, and then you'll have to make your way back a few minutes later! Please try to stay where you are, it just makes life easier.
6. Be Responsive!
Actors love to know if you like what they're doing! We are trained to pause for applause or laughter, so don't be afraid to react! The energy we get from your responses really does help us keep going, it gets exhausting doing the same thing every night! We want to know if you like it! That being said, please try to react appropriately. If a character has just died and the scene has gotten dramatic, don't laugh!
7. Enjoy Yourself!
Theatre exists to entertain, so have a good time! Relax, take a breath and suspend reality for a little while. Life will still be there when the curtain closes.