Grab your worn down plaid shirt, red-rimmed sunglasses and then proceed to take a Polaroid picture in front of your psychedelic my friend, you have officially become ~artsy~.
How to be ~artsy~ in eight easy steps (because 10 would be too basic).
1. Move to Brooklyn.
If you choose to live anywhere but here, the ~artsy~capital of the world, you will never reach the maximum level of ~artsy~. From a swanky café, to endless thrift shops, this is the only move to advance your hipster career.
2. Buy a tapestry.
But not from Urban Outfitters (way too basic). If you have to, travel abroad to get yours, it'll be more authentic.
3. Only wear worn-down shoes.
Birkenstocks and Nike are too common. Try finding a pair in a local trash bin, or simply soak an old pair of shoes in something that will make them look ratty yet chill.
4. Get a piercing.
Piercings on the ears are common, so if you want to get one there, multiply the amount by a multiple of five. Then continue to pierce another part of your body (preferably not something you see the people who peaked in high school get). Some examples may include your eyebrow, tongue, or any other extraneous body part.
5. Make a food blog.
Many people choose to use Instagram to highlight all of their foodie fun. But I think, if you really want to achieve ~artsy~, then you have to use a blog source to truly show the world what you're eating, and then tell them why you're eating it. Do NOT use Tumbr ... its way too common.
6. Cut your hair in a style NEVER seen before.
Everyone loves some layers or bangs or even a half-shaved hairdo but you, my friend, are not everyone. You must find something original and extraordinary or you will fall back to basic.
7. Travel to an exotic country.
Don't bother going to the classic countries everyone travels to abroad. Any undiscovered territory by your friends is totally fair game. While abroad, try keeping a journal instead of using social media. Instas and Facebook pics just make you look like you're trying to make everyone jealous and realize how cool you do not want to be labeled a try hard.
8. Never refer to yourself as ~Artsy~.
Calling yourself ~artsy~ would essentially eliminate any of the work you put into making yourself unlike the rest of the basic humans in this world. When people ask you to define your new look, I would go with a simple, "Thanks for noticing, dude" and call it a day.