Thanksgiving is a holiday that is all about good food and family. It is a time to think about what you are thankful for, as well as be with the ones you are thankful for. I, like many other students who go to school out of state, will be staying on campus for Thanksgiving. This means I lose out on the quality family time and the homemade food that would put the cafeteria to shame. I also cannot enjoy a friends' Thanksgiving, since most to all of my friends are going home for Thanksgiving. So if you are like me, you understand what it is like to be forever alone on Thanksgiving. But do not fret, I have come up with a few things to do if you face absolute boredom during the long Thanksgiving weekend on your college campus.
1. Do traditional Thanksgiving things
Just because you are in college does not mean you can't do certain traditional Thanksgiving things. Watch the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade or "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving." It may not be the same as if you were home, but it can put you in the holiday spirit.
(Source: Event Marketer)
2. Invest in Netflix
Thanksgiving weekend is a long weekend. If you don't already have a Netflix subscription, this is the perfect time to get one. Netflix has a plethora of movies and TV shows to help you pass the time. It also has a nice selection of holiday movies, if you are feeling a bit festive.
(Source: Fansided)
3. Stock up on food
If your school is like my school, the cafeteria will be closed from Wednesday evening until Monday morning. So you will need to stock up on as much food as you can fit in to your mini-fridge. You will also need to ration that food off so you don't get bored and eat it all in two days (I'm speaking from experience).
(Source: reddit)
4. Go out and see a movie
A lot of people go to the movies on Thanksgiving, and just because you are by yourself does not mean you cannot enjoy a decent film. A lot of good movies come out around the holiday season, and Thanksgiving Day is no exception. I plan on seeing "Creed" on Thanksgiving day, if anyone wants to join me.
(Source: Creed the movie)
5. Go to your dorm lounge and find someone
While you may not know of anyone, I guarantee you there is at least one person in your entire dorm who stayed on campus for Thanksgiving. I was fortunate enough to find people in my lounge my freshman year to talk to and not feel so alone. You may not feel comfortable approaching strangers, but at least you all have one thing in common if you try to strike up a conversation.
(Source: Howard University)
My last piece of advice is to call or Skype your family. You would be surprised to see how happy they are to hear your voice. Hearing them wish you good luck and encouraging you to finish strong is what makes you strive to want to do your best and do well on your finals.
Happy Thanksgiving!